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( Credit goes to pazindu_mendis for giving me a nice idea)

"Kayden, Kayden wake up." My shoulder was weighed with a small, soft hand on it. I opened my eyes to see the frustrated facial features of Samantha. Also, my neck was so sore! Where am I because this sure as hell isn't my bed. "Sam? What? How?"

My sister replied to my very coherent questioning, saying, " you fell asleep in the park Kayden. I called Dylan to find your whereabouts and he claimed he last he saw you here." I rubbed my neck sheepishly and said, "sorry Sam, I didn't realise, wait, how did you get here? It's so late!"

She preceded to roll her eyes and said, "I called an Uber, duh." "You know you could have called me right?" I retorted with an unamused expression. "Check your phone you idiot." Samantha deadpanned. I took it out of my pocket and unlocked it, my eyes took in five missed calls from Sam and two from Dylan, I looked up at my annoyed little sister and smiled sheepishly yet again.

"Hey, I'm a deep sleeper alright," I exclaimed.

She cracked a smile and said, "let's go home loser." She pulled me out of my past 'bed' and half dragged my groggy self to my car. It was a quick ride back home and both of us went to our respective rooms. Me being me, of course blasted music for the whole neighbourhood to hear.

I stripped my clothes and got into the shower. I never fall asleep like that. It was weird. I recalled what happened after Dylan left...eventually I fell asleep, Thinking about the green-eyed Greek God. Then, like an unexpected hale, reality came crashing down. Karson didn't kiss me. I didn't kiss him either. The kiss never happened at all.

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