Calm before the Storm

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"So you have been getting some action huh brother dear?" My sister input with a sick grin, her eyes shining. I rolled my eyes at her. "Grow up Sam, God you are the typical annoying little sister." I said, not intending to be insulting but Sam eyes lost a little bit of her sparkle. "I love you though... unfortunately." I added quickly, mumbling. She smiled genuinely." Love you too brother dear. Now why don't you and your man come sit, we were gonna watch Call Me By Your Name... I heard from a friend that it was really good." She explained while patting the couch for us to come sit. 

I dragged Karson to the couch, pushed him down and left the room to get some snacks to munch on. I grabbed a bunch of random shit and went and plopped down on the couch next to Karson, leaving potentially no space between us. He reached for my hand which I happily gave him and fought off a smile when he intertwined them, resting them on his thigh.

My parents walked into the living room, sneakily glancing at each other and smiling at our position. 

Sam started the movie, halfway through my mom fell asleep so my dad carried her upstairs after saying his goodnight. Sam too had fallen asleep. The girl had practices today, she must be exhausted and I couldn't just leave her to sleep on the couch and so I paused the movie and moved away from my comfortable pillow also know as Karson. He whined because of me moving and I chuckled, it was a cold night.

I hoisted Sam up into my arms and carried her to her room door, pushing her door open with my butt and gently placed her in bed, tucking her in. 

I walked back into the living room. "Hey," I said. "You wanna continue the movie or what?" I asked, nudging his side. He sighed and leaned into my body and I wrapped my arm around him, nuzzling my neck into his. "No." He replied. "No offence to the movie it was amazing so far but you are here and we can watch the movie anytime," he continued. "Okay Karson let's watch the movie later then. What do you wanna do? Are you gonna stay the night?"

"I can think of quite a few things we can do if I do stay the night." He whispered into my ear, sending shudders down my spine. He let a ghost of a laugh escape his mouth at my reaction. 

Bad move bitch. I smirked.

"Oh, really now?" I said and straddled him and bent forward, hovering my lips over his but not joining them. He leaned forward and I leaned back not letting him kiss me. He growled. "Tease," he grumbled, his voice was rough now and I opened my eyes slowly, running them over his face. Our faces were only shaded with the wisps of light coming from the paused  movie on the T.V. 

I gasped looking at his eyes, they had gone a dark green. I blushed knowing the reason for it and I knew mine probably were a dark brown. His left hand had a strong hold on my waist while his other hand was knotted in my hair.

I let my thumb run over his bottom lip. We were both still getting used to each other and I don't think he minded that I looked and took him in so much since he seems to do the same. Both parties wanted each other's appearances imprinted in their brains, never once leaving the chance to forget. Each and every crevice, dent, curve and sharp edges were cherished.

I leaned forward and kissed the side of his lips and I felt his eyes flutter shut against my eyebrows. Both his hands were now gripping my waist, holding onto dear life as he growled and attacked my lips, letting my head go blank. I struggled to keep up with his pace, he was leaning both of us down and I felt my head sink into the cushions on the couch. 

I pulled away to catch my breath and looked into his yet again. Seeing my loving expression, his eyes lost his pretty dark green, returning back to the rich blue-green hue.

He leaned forward and pecked my forehead. " Hey come on, let's go to my room shall we?" I said, wrapping my arms around his chest. "Okay Kay, let's go, I'm tired and we have school tommorow anyway." He retorted. 

I nodded and took his hand and lazily walked up the stairs. Both of us fell on my bed simultaneously, slipping under the covers. Karson reached for me and pulled me to him. Putting his arm around my midriff. 

I sighed and snuggled into him, he was already asleep, his breath coming out in small puffs against my neck. I smiled and drifted off to sleep myself. 

No struggles, no paranoia, no nightmares... no Tyler.

Little did I anticipate the storm brewing up to crash my tommorow. 

The Sad Behind The Smirk (BxB)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя