Occurrings Before the Date

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 ( A/N - Ugh this chapter is a wee bit embarrassing for me so I'd really like it if no one judged my horrible writing skills and the weird ass scene down there waiting to be read and critiqued on... because its pretty bad and I'm insecure so yeah... Hopefully, you people don't hate it  ':D )

After burning that god awful box and everything in it I still had much time to spare and nothing to do, I decided to paint the finishing touches on the portrait I did of Karson. Of course I had no intention of revealing it to him. Ever. It would be too embarrassing and however accurate my painting was of him it would never do justice to the beauty that was Karson. He walked and talked stoically, to everyone else at least, to me he was this graceful, beautifully impeccable creature artfully created by God himself.

I took my shades of brown and my cream hues, wistfully trying my hardest to do just to his sharp and soft features alike. I traced pale pink along his lips that always seemed to be glistening and contrasted starkly against the supple skin of his face. I also dusted a light blush along his cheekbones, making him look just like when after we were caught... yanno, doing stuff... 

The thought alone made blood rush through my neck to my cheeks, probably making me look like a genetically altered tomato.

I shook my head and gave my portrait my undivided attention. The soft rhythm of music percolating though my walls, mollifying me from my unsteady nerves.

I was so engrossed on perfecting Karson that I didn't even notice a presence until a voice woke me from my current obsession of painting.

"It's beautiful."

I was stumped, hence why my paint pallet dropped from my hand and I got up from my chairing trying to hide the portrait, whipping my head back to check who it was. Karson was there, looking at the portrait in awe after snapping his attention back to me. 

He approached me, slowly, timidly almost, as if coming forth too fast would make me crumble. I stood my ground letting him inch closer to me, green eyes locked on blue. He finally reached me and stepped even closer so our chests were in contact, we were so close I could feel the hardness of his abs on me.

Who invented clothes again?

He raised his hand up and gently rested it on one of my now pinkening cheeks and stroked his thumb along my jutting cheekbone, his touch almost feathery light. I closed my eyes in content bliss, letting out a breath before reopening them to see him gazing at my dilated orbs. 

"Thank you for even bothering to paint me Karson, no one has ever done something like this before and you are driving me nuts with what you do to me when you are around. I feel like my feet are a few inches off the ground, like I'm walking in the wind when I feel your lingering presence near me. And when you aren't near me I feel hollow, empty. Hell, I'm not even into guys! At least I wasn't before I met you. When I saw you that first day, I was blown over by you but I managed to pull it off by being cocky because I was scared of what I felt; that stupid flutter in my heart when you locked eyes with me. I know it's been only a little while since we met but you somehow managed to worm your way into my heart Kayden... and- and I think I'm in love with you." He finished. 

I stared at him, wide-eyed and extremely happy. To hell with the butterflies, I felt like there was a whole zoo in my stomach and they were going wild. I broke out into a silly grin, making him smile cheekily at me. I ran my hands - which were resting on his pecs - down his midriff making him shudder and lose the smile, his expression falling into one of lust. 

"You are welcome... and I love you, and I'm not just saying it for the sake of saying it. I suck at these speeches and romantics so I'm not even going to try, but, just know I do love you. I love the support that you give me and I love that you distract me enough to forget about the past or the future; just the now, where you are here, right next to me, making me breathless like a squealing fangirl when their OTP finally share a kiss."

Karson cocked his head and looked perplexed with that last bit of add in and went, "OTP?" I simply laughed and shook my head never mind, leaning up and and pressing my lips to him. He gleefully parted his lips and kissed me back, bringing me impossibly closer so that our groins were now pressing.

Damn, I was hard.

 I growled and walked him to a wall where I pinned him against it and pushed him up off the floor so he could wrap his legs around my waist. He seemed surprised by my sudden outburst but opened his mouth for my tongue.

He moaned. 

Dear mother of God.

That just about did it for me and my crotch was aching something terrible as I kissed him mercilessly, our teeth clinking together as he tried to keep up with my pace. I broke apart for breath and panted, looking into the now hazed up eyes of his. I reached toward the buttons on his shirt and calmly took them out, one by one, never daring to break eye contact. My heart was pounding against my chest as was his. After I got through the last button, I pushed the blue fabric off his freckle constellated shoulders and travelled my hands over his spotless washboard chest, making him clench it, his abs growing taut under my arms. I leaned up and licked his Adam's apple, which bobbed at the contact. I teased him for a while, smiling to myself at having such an effect on him.

He was growing annoyed with my teasing so he grabbed my wrists and pushed them away from his chest, reaching over to grab my white t-shirt speckled with colors from before, to yank it over my head, tossing it to the side as if it were an obstacle and he was mad at it. 

He bent down and kissed my neck, I craned it away from him so he could have better access. I moaned and mewled as he probably left a huge purple mark on my neck, claiming me. He was holding me close by my arms as he worked my neck then proceeded to go lower and reached my collar bone where he kissed and nipped. 

He tightened his legs around my waist making me feel the bulge hiding behind his pants. He then sank his hands into my hair and brought his lips to mine once again in a tantalizing kiss, twice as more aggressive and demanding than the first. 

"Kay," he moaned between kisses, "we have to get going," he panted. "I planned something remember?" He said, giving me yet another kiss, then a peck, then another and another and another, then smooched me loudly on my forehead followed by my nose. I laughed at that and pushed him away a bit so I could look at him and he was grinning. I let him down. 

"Let's get going then lover boy." I teased, he smirked. "Only for you," he replied, winking. I simply put on a black button down to match my baby blue torn jeans and fixed my hair and watched as Karson buttoned his shirt back on, I pouted as my glorious view was relentlessly snatched from me. Karson noticed and brought his lips inside his mouth as he tried not to laugh at my epiphany.

Again, who the fuck invented clothes? 

He looked breath-taking nevertheless.

He held his hand out to me so I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. I informed my sister that I'd be out late and left the house with a jittery Karson right next to me.

I wonder what he had planned? 

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