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My eyes flew open when I felt something warm and hard on me... hey! not like that, but it was big!... Never mind that sounds wrong too. 

My eyes desperately tried to adjust to the godforsaken light glistening in from my open shutters. And when they did, I came to see Karson literally laying on me, his head cradled in my neck where he was pressing his lips on, most probably an attempt at waking me up... which turned out to be successful apparently. 

I groaned.

"Karsooon", I mewled.

 "I kept the alarm. It didn't ring." I said trying my best not to implode with cusses. "Which means you woke me up early for your own selfish reasons you bigot!"

He laughed against my neck. I hated that he made me shudder even when I was mad at him for snatching my beloved sleep from my very needy arms. "Not a morning person are we? Feisty much, love?" 

I rolled my eyes attempting  to shove him off, which, naturally, proved to be futile. What damn use was working out if I can't shove a man off me? Isn't that the whole point? Besides looking amazing of course.

"I hate you Karson. You should know I cherish sleep." I whispered, mesmerized by his face and his eyes and the hair that was getting in the way of it. This was really not healthy, I can't even stay mad at him! 

"Well, can you blame me, love? You looked too innocently beautiful and I just wanted to see those eyes of yours." He replied lovingly, letting me run my hands through his long hair. I sighed. "Fine, but you better not do it again! Or you'll have to face the wrath of sleep deprived Kayden. Trust me... not a pretty sight." He laughed at that and hugged me to his chest, rolling us over so I was on top of him. We layed like this for a while in content tranquility, almost dozing off again when my alarm awoke, blaring and obscuring the former surrounding peace. 

This time we both groaned and grimaced.




I had given Karson a lift to school in my car. Lets just say he looked downright horrified of my speeding. He pressed all his weight into the leather of my seats, gripping its sides and trying to stomp on the non-existent brakes on his side. I would say if I went any faster he would have forged into the seat. It was a sight to see and I was laughing throughout.

We both went our separate ways after Karson managed to give me a small smooch without anyone noticing in the car park. I was currently bored to death as the teacher droned and dragged about some history shit. Was I paying attention? Hell naw.

Half the day passed on agonizingly slowly but I was perked up for lunch, because lunch equals getting out of class which equals getting a glimpse of Karson. 

I walked into the noise filled cafeteria almost instantly viewing Dylan. "Hey bro, you were late today. What happened?" He inquired.

"Oh, um nothing." I let out a forced chuckle."You know me and my sleepy ways." Dylan and Connor looked at each other then back at me and blinked. "Riiiight."They both droned simultaneously...again... they seem to be doing that a lot lately.

And of course I wouldn't mind telling them about Karson and I but I think it's common courtesy that I ask him first. Maybe he's still in the closet and I have no right to out him, even to my best friends. 

I finished lunch early and was on my way to the restroom when I was pulled against the lockers. 

My breath hitched after I saw who it was. It can't be. What is he doing here.

"Kayden, oh Kay, you still look the same. I missed you." He said while he caressed my cheek and I flinched away from him. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I shouted with rage thinking of all the horrible things he did to me when he... when he went crazy. I was never enough for him.

"NO! No baby. I've changed," he said, his eyes still glinting with borderline craziness. He had me cornered into the lockers and I was near to helpless, Tyler was burly, there was no way I could possibly escape him. 

He kept coming closer and I couldn't breath. He was going to forcibly kiss me. He always did this before. It gave him a 'sadistic rush of adrenaline' he told me when we were together and I was crying for him to stop.

His lips merely touched my quivering ones when I felt him being yanked off my shuddering body. I opened my formerly squeezed shut eyes to see a furious looking Karson bunching Tyler's collar in his large hand and Dylan in front of Tyler standing there looking done with everything good and happy. 

He brought his fist back and punched him square in the jaw, Karson never wavering from the impact and keeping him upright for Dylan to unleash his fury on. "You had some nerve to come back ol' pal" 

I was currently frozen over in shock seeing the scene unfolding in front of me.

He was back. 

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