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( A/N- Are you happy now? *rolls eyes* XD )

After I got back home I found out that my parents have left again. With a sad sigh I rushed up to my bedroom and closed the door. I blasted my music filling the whole house with its beats, I still didn't fail to notice rev of a car. Must be Dylan dropping off Samantha, he was staying after school so I told him to drop her off since she had some practice session as well. I figured she must be hungry and I started making us a bagel.

"Hey brother dear, what are you making?" She asked. I took in her appearance she was still in her morning clothes which was now a bit crumpled but she managed to look flawless as always. "Nothing much sis, just making a bagel." I replied. "I'm going to go freshen up, then I'll eat." She said while ascending the stairs. I hollered out an 'okay' and left her half of the bagel in the microwave and dashed back up to my room.

I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across him. I scrolled down so I didn't have to see him. His parents had dragged him to another state because of what happened and apparently he's on heavy medication now. I decided to brush it off and scrolled down even further when I came across a friend was Karson. He looked hot, he was at the beach and dark shades framed his face...too bad those pretty green eyes aren't seen. Oh no. This is not happening again. Did I just admit that he was hot? What is wrong with me?

I logged out and fell asleep quickly.

The damned alarm woke me up for school yet again. Just three more days of waking up early, I thought. Giving myself a mental pat on the back, I walked into my ensuite and did the daily routine of getting ready.

I left home with Samantha and freaked her out by driving way above the speed limit. It's always fun to freak out and bother your little sister. She punched my upper arm and got out when we reached school. Ouch. That hurt. For your information that girl does karate and she's a black belt, so yes my ego isn't big enough to deny the hurt. Simultaneously, I got off of the car, rubbing my arm with a pained expression on my face.

I walked in to be greeted by my two best friends leaning against my locker, both occupied with their phones. " Hey guys, good morning." They both looked up at the same time and a small smile grazed both their lips together while the said good morning to me. In synchronised precision. "Well that was creepy." I exclaimed. They both bust out laughing at my horrified expression and preceded to high-five each other. Dorks.

I rolled my eyes and took my books out of the locker and stuffed them into my backpack. I walked into Geography class, almost immediately, I felt uneasy. I looked around the class and saw Karson staring into my soul. A blank expression on his face. It was highly uncomfortable for me and so I avoided his gaze and sat down in my usual seat. Throughout the class I felt weird, I knew he was glaring at me but I paid it no heed.

The sultry bell started ringing and everyone rushed out of class leaving Mr. Peters with a pained expression on his face because of the kids being so eager to get out of class. I heard Karson shouting my name but I ignored it and speed-walked to the washroom. I was about to get away when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder, making my whole body go immobile.

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