Turning point

88 10 17

Getting up early in the morning is honestly such a drag, specially when you have your undeniably cute boyfriend snuggling you so adorably that you feel like you are his first ever plush toy that he cherished so very much.

No matter how much I felt like swooning over and kissing each and every one of his freckles, I had to piss. 

Really bad.

So this is me right now, trying my hardest not to wake him up while attempting to untangle myself from this current loop I am in with his body. 

I slowly slid my arm away from where his head was resting on it. Yay. Success.

...Spoke too soon. Karson's stupidly long legs are both around me, trapping my waist. I huff. He's a fucking koala. I'm not even joking, how in the world can a human sleep like this?

I decide to give up on not trying to wake him up because:

1) I'm not really the most suave person if you haven't realized.

2) There is no way in hell I will be able to get out of his death hold on me without waking him up anyway.

So I reached a conclusion to be a sugary sweet boyfriend and kiss his nose, then eyelids and then gently nipping on his earlobe and whispering, " wake up, love". Which had his eyes fluttering open and me forgetting about my awaited pissing dilemma. Ugh, his eyes!!! Why are they so pretty? And his lashes and his long hair and... What? There's only so much a gay boy can take okay? He's too pretty not be entranced by. 

His lips stretched into a silly grin when he sees me practically drooling over him so early in the morning - which just so happens to be around noon, heh - and pronounces a ' hi', all in its deep, raspy glory and I think I actually drool a bit. He chuckles and brings his forehead to mine.

Anytime now, take that piss you woke up for. My conscious reminds me and all feeling rushes back to my crotch and the need to pee. 

I draw away from Karson and jump out of bed squealing , "I have to peeee," and I hear his bellowing laughter from my room as I close my bathroom door. 

After I relieved myself, I got back under the covers with Karson who was now wide awake. "I've got to speak to him today you know. Alone. I want to forgive him for what he did to me. I want to let him go for good Karson." I state. 

He nods understandingly. "I'll let you talk to him alone but wherever the hell you two meet I'm hiding somewhere in case you need me." He demands. "And Dylan is coming with us." he adds as an afterthought. I nod my head in silent agreement. I'll need my two rocks.

He gives me a close lipped smile, taking in my deflated features before leaning closer and pecking me every where possible until I gave in and started to giggle. Then he proceeded to give me a raspberry. The fucker, he knows I hate them. I smile and pout at the same time, not knowing which one to give into.


I'm so anxious as I wait, listening to the dial tone of Tyler's dad. He was nice, always patted my back and gave me a big, warm smile whenever I was over. My feet are tapping relentlessly on the hardwood floor of the living room and Karson is sat right next to me, rubbing his large palm up and down my taut back. 

"Hello." He answers. His voice is still warm from the days I remember him.

I gulp.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He asks, probably getting irritated. Karson gives me an encouraging look and nod at him and muster up enough courage to open my mouth and speak.

"Um, hi. This is Kayden." I reply. "Oh. Hello son. How are you doing now? Alright I hope? You surely deserve to be happy." He mumbles, his voice sad and almost guilty, guilty for the things his son did to me while he was totally unaware. It's not his fault though, and I say just that. "I'm doing alright Micheal, very well actually, and I've moved on and I don't want any of you to feel guilty. It's not any of your faults so don't sound so distressed." I force a clipped chuckle." I actually called to meet Tyler somehow? You know? For closure? Will that be alright with you? I understand if its not." I ramble.

"No, of course its okay. Mary and I will be happy to have you over. And yes, you can talk to Tyler now, he's much more stable. That day when he came to your school, He had not taken his pills, he was just overwhelmed and I am so sorry for the trouble we have put you through. You were such a kind kid, I thought you were perfect for my boy and you were but his demons ate him up and he let himself be consumed. I am so very sorry Kayden. I am sorry, he is too. He cried so much when we told him he had gone back and caused you harm again. He doesn't want to be what he is without his medicine. I'm helping him as much as I can as a father. I want him to get better because he's not a bad kid you know?" He explains and I am in tears, in tears because Tyler is dependent on some pill to keep him sane. What the hell happened to him that this sweet boy that I used to know got traumatized enough that he became a monster?

I sniffle and say, "I understand Micheal, the Tyler I so hopelessly fell in love with was not the guy he was turning into. I realized that. He had problems that I still to this day don't know of. He was the best boyfriend a person could ask for at first, that was the real him. And I want him to be better too, that is why I wanted to speak to him. To tell him I forgive him."

"Thank you Kayden, I'm sure he'd want to speak to you too. Come over now if you want, I'll text you our address?" Micheal inquires from the other line and I nod my head, forgetting he can't see me and then let out a quiet "Okay Micheal, I'll see you later then." I said and hung up.

I am immediately engulfed in Karson's warmth, his voice soothing me and his hands encircled on my torso. I lean into it and cry some more. 

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