Wake Up

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The rain was pattering onto the black umbrella that I held in my hand, protecting his wailing sister from the harsh droplets of water. 

She was hysterical.

She clung onto me, pounding on my chest with her small hand. 

I felt nothing.


His mother, being held up by a mystery man was just as bad, even worse. She screamed his name. Urging the immobile, pale boy to wake up.


She screamed.

She turned to the man. "Wake him up Richard. Wake my boy up. He's okay. He's just being playful. Make him wake up, please." She cried to him.

I heard everything. I didn't understand though. 

What was everyone saying?

My sole focus was him. His once beautifully golden skin was now pale. He was bald, they had cut his long, soft locks. Why did they do that?

I was still not awake properly, I was numb and cold. 

I didn't know. I don't know. What...?

His abnormally long lashes were gently brushing his face. 

He was in casket.

He wasn't moving.

He wasn't breathing.

He left me.

Everything hit me. 

And I screamed.


"Kayden, Kayden, wake up." I heard.

"...Sam?" I said groggily, my voice almost scraping my throat. "Where's Karson! Where the fuck is he!?" I said after a second, ignoring my aching head and body, I got up, off the hospital bed. I yanked the IV out of my arm and started walking. Almost falling out of balance but I held onto the bed and stalked out of the room as fast as my wobbly legs carried me. 

A nearby nurse widened her eyes and ran towards me and so did my sister. "Sir you have to get back into your room." She said. "Shut up! Shut up! WHERE IS MY BOYFRIEND?!" I shouted again.

"He's not going to calm down until he sees him, nurse. Let me take him to Karson." Said my sister and the nurse frowned but nodded nonetheless and helped me into a room three doors down my own. 

"I quickly waltzed into the room and I came to see him, with a bandage around his forehead.

He was awake.

I cried in relief.

"I thought you left us, me." My voice cracked as I said it. He smiled at me. 

"Never." He said.

He looked to be in much better shape that I was. It left me happier than ever. My love was fine.

He'd recover.

I walked and sat next to him. "This happened because of me. I'm so sorry Karson. I'm so sorry." I cried heavily. I felt so guilty.

He smiled at me once again and put his IV inserted hand on my wet face. "It's okay. I'm not mad. It wasn't your fault."

"It was. If I had been -"

His lips gently landed on mine, cutting me off.

"Like I said, we'll be fine as long as we have each other." 

He said.

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