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I was disturbed from my peaceful slumber yet again but this time it wasn't the alarm clock, it was the shrill voice of my little sister and by the sound of it, she was definitely livid which meant the stupid alarm clock didn't go off and I'm obviously late.

I got out of bed as fast as possible with my half asleep state and yelled "I'll be out in five." I heard a low growl from the other side of the door and smiled, she sure has a temper, just like dad. I got dressed in said five minutes... I had to skip the shower, I know, gross. And I was out of my room to see my sister's pissed off face, arms crossed and all her weight given to one leg with a deep scowl on her face. I just simply flashed my pearly whites and said, "I'm not hungry. I'll eat at lunch break so let's go."

I got to school at lightning speed probably scarring my little sister eternally. We arrived right when the bell rang and god fucking dammit, I just realised we had art first period and that idiot would be there. I walked into class with my head held high, refusing to back down and search for his green eyes. I went and rested my butt on my chair, immediately uneasy, he was affirmatively here.

Mrs. Higgins looked pretty deflated today, which was terribly out of character for her and I was a bit worried, I like Mrs. Higgins, she's a nice lady. "Alright class, I want you to continue with your assigned work." After voicing that, she plopped onto her chair and kept her head down... I frowned and got to work. That means I had to look at Karson. Just my luck.

I slowly turned my head around to see Karson already looking at me with calculating green eyes. I shivered. His gaze was too intense and so I ignored it. I analysed him and got to work after sometime I was done sketching and was ready to paint. I saw Karson looking at me, he wasn't even sketching. His pencil rested on the table. What is up with this guy? He keeps making me so uncomfortable.

"What?" I spat with evident distaste lacing my voice. He didn't reply...he kept staring like I was his worst enemy. "What the fuck is wrong with you man? Why the damn hell are you staring at me?"

"Because I want to and you can't stop me." The fucking nerve! The audacity of this guy was really pissing me off. "Listen here man, I don't know what game you are playing but you better back off before you get hurt." I whisper shouted. He laughed. What the fuck? How is that funny?

"Cute." He said and turned back onto his painting, leaving me perplexed with new found hatred and pure anger. Who the fuck does he think he is?

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