Into the City

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Eleasis 15, 1517 - The Year of the Coward Rewarded (New Moon)

The party has spent their first 3 levels in the small town of Milleton, some 20 miles outside of Waterdeep. The town was run by a vassal of Waterdeep, who's responsibility was to collect regional taxes and forward them to the government back in the city. Instead he misrepresented his census and was found to be channeling funds to one Grebius Kreft in exchange for kickbacks.

When the adventure starts, the players have just made a local name for themselves in Milleton by exposing Lord Alauren to the authorities and uncovering his corruption. Alauren now rests in a cell, awaiting trial under Waterdeep's magistrates.

Barrister Samuel Johnsmith, legal council in Milleton, has informed the party that while Lord Alauren is held awaiting trial, he might not receive a conviction until stronger evidence can be brought against him. It will but up to the party to collect that evidence.

On the road, our heroes faced a small group of goblins who assaulted a roadside tavern on the way to Waterdeep. While the assault was too swift to save the proprietor, Crusty Dave, they slaughtered most of the murderous monsters, leaving one to flee on the back of its wolf.

Eleasis 16

Once at the city, they were turned away from a major Inn just inside the Troll Gate, but found refuge at The Cozy Couch bed and breakfast across the street. It was noted that the elderly couple running the place weren't doing enough to drum up business, as this party has been the only guests for several months.

Eleasis 17

The next morning, directions to the Magistrates' Courthouse was obtained to follow up on the investigation that they were charged with.



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