Darkwand Manor, Part I

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3 Ches 2018 

I thought I would never get used to living away from the Monastery; but I have found community within the walls of Waterdeep, and kinship with these adventurers, like any I felt with my sisters and brothers. But I miss Master Po.

I was pleased to find myself catching up with Taren, Euphemia, Princess Aelyss, Lorzaren and Amber, recounting the many woes of this city and its environs: How the watch is troubled by the recent inclusion of non-humans. Grisly tales of the Wight Warriors, roaming the Underdark, searching for conscripts for their army of the dead. Taren even has a map to a location with a wolf's head statue, in Under Mountain. We also heard: How the Handy Man leaves his victims without hands. And, while the Monastery of the Hills and Master Po are still in need, Detective Leanin Weavon made a convincing case for us to focus our attention, this night, on Darkwand Manor, and the (500 sp) bounty for Venerous Darkwand, who is creating clay men, to rob and harry the good citizens of Waterdeep.

Feeling the need of the citizens right around us in this city, made it easier for me to put off another foray into the hills, to serve Master Po and our besieged sisters and brothers. May the strong walls of the monastery hold them safe and secure.

My friends and I headed to the small, two story, gothic Darkwand Manor, just after lunch. We noted gargoyles on the roof; but none stirred at our approach.

We passed a locked door and found a window, open, on the second floor, around the back of the manor. Climbing was easy; and the manor seemed quiet, as we listened from inside the upstairs room.

The door opened onto a U-shaped balcony, that ran all along the top floor. We explored every door, in search of Venerous Darkwand and his creatures.

Employing spells and ax and sword, when needed, we opened doors on used and unused bedrooms, as well as a recently used workroom. We recovered some notes on how to make small, animated clay constructs. Normally, they are bound to their creator and require concentration to perform tasks; but these notes were for making them more independent. Taren kept the book safe for us.


Photo: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mirryn-Manor-691442377

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