The Release of Lord Alauren, Part II

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12 Ches 1518 DR

Heading north on the Long Road, we passed the giant doors located near the three pillars, the same door we saw when we visited the Monastery in the Hills. We noted the doors on our map before continuing, then we drove the horses until dark.

13 Ches 1518 DR

We came across the abandoned Crusty Dwarf roadhouse. Jolly picked the lock, and we built a fire and took a short rest inside its ransacked interior. We talked a bit about acquiring the deed and setting up a base of operations there. Certain members of the party may investigate the possibility upon our return to Waterdeep. After our rest, we set out for Milleton once again and arrived in the evening just before 7 bells.

Thelen snuck into a barn to sleep while Taren drank himself unconscious at the Beerborn Brewery. The rest of us headed off to sleep at the Stingy Stirge Inn. Jolly has a girl in Milleton, and he wandered off to catch a glimpse of her. Unfortunately, he found her fighting off the advances of a member of the Waterdeep Guard, who eventually left her residence, frustrated and blue-balled. The soldier's advances did not sit well with Jolly, though he did not make his presence known to either the man or his girl.



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