From the Cozy Couch to the Lower Archives, Part I

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27 Hammer 2018

Waterdeep is all this ranger could have dreamed! And this week, though I was looking forward to hunting and living simply in the forest, I found myself drawn to walk the thickets and clearings in this mighty city. I tracked a comfortable inn, in the North Ward of the city, the Cozy Couch, with delightful hosts and hearty patrons. While I rested there one evening, I fell in with a band of accomplished adventurers; their kindness in letting me join them and listen to their tales led to my overnighting in this homey establishment.

The second evening found us, again, around the fire, my friend, Ruelaga, and two new friends: Adrik Stoneslinger and Jolly. As these veteran adventurers considered their next course of action, I listened, eyes wide.

Jolly had found that Grebius Kreft, someone he was searching for, could often be found at The Grinning Lion tavern. Rue reminded the group that she has a deadline to secure the book that Edenda has asked for. And Adrik has a job-lead, to clear a mine of gnolls, that pays 100gp! That would buy a lot of broad-heads!

The owners of the Cozy Couch, kindly offer for us to join them for Wintertide festivities; but, before we can begin, a group of five ruffians enters and accosts the elderly couple. Waving a piece of paper, they demand our hosts sign over ownership of the inn to one, Konroy Skringe.

And, while I had not even hoped to be included in their future adventures; as it happens so often, I was drawn in, naturally, like a fetched shaft to my ear.



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