The Northern Chasm, Part II

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We travel til the wee morning then set up camp for the night. We awake to see some GIANT elks starting to dose off, they were beautiful. After traveling around another 4 hours we get to this chasm. We all agree to tie our ropes together and the other three repel down. Once they are safely on the ground, I do a sweat swan dive and just before I hit the ground my winds saved me and I lowered to the ground.

We start searching these ruins and hear a scream. We rush to the building and inside is a jail cell with a man and a huge yellow glob of goo. Everyone starts throwing things at it and it finally dissipates. Right after we hear some bandits from outside they say to come outside. Lorzaren takes the lead and starts talking with them about maybe we can team up (They're hunting this fish guy too) Then their leader, Chet, says whats keeping them from killing us all right now. That's when I walked up and decided to scare them a little, I summoned my lightning and floated off the ground and asked what stopping me from killing all of them? It worked out for everyone. We finally get through the rubble and the next ruin.

As soon as we enter we see Berblaksis with the statue and some other bandits he hired. Amber killed one of the bad bandits immediately (That little chick is legit!) The princess kicked one right in the nose! The bandits on our side all line up with their crossbows and a couple make contact. Lorzaren gets one with a javelin. I ran up and stole the statue out of Berblaksis's hands and Amber literally slices him in half! THe other two bandits tried to surrender but the party had none of that. Finally Chet walks up and says, "Our bargain" and they raise their crossbows again. I hand the statue to Lorzaren and he walks up to hand it to Chet, only he doesn't and actually tries to slice his hand off! I ran up and Thunderwaved 3 of them so hard they died. Amber got another then Aelyss killed Chet.

We went and got the guy out of the jail cell then hiked out and made it to the inn to get paid. All in all, pretty sweet adventure.


Taren Tormaigh



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