Bloodied Notes from Undermountain

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3 Alturiak 1518

I, Traug Gorrisson, set this tale down as per Moradin's teachings, so that others may use it and learn from our experiences.

Gaudzil Merc Company - losing men to Gnolls to the family mines.

Merc Contract - Basilisk eggs @ 50 silver per piece. Alchemist benefector can make anti petrification potion from Basilisk gland if party member gets turned to stone.

Halfling Bard (Feldin) captured by Goblins. Sister payed 10 sp basket fee, 20 sp reward on completion of contract

Diamond shaped room with pillars- loose stone

Main hallway with the odd bit of stone turns out to be a hidden doorway with a rope pull to open!

Wright fight in diamond shaped room. Adalynn tail sticking out blotched them walking past. Fight started out with a breath weapon - first 2 wrights copped flame full in the face. Magic dampening field in effect yet again. Ara felled by first blow.

Adalynn DEAD. Belg DEAD. Traug and Ara down but stabilised by Rue. Rue and Adrik escaped the encounter.

Traug and Ara woke up with all their gear, Adalynn and Berg's bodies had both been dragged off. Sombre meeting of the survivors back in the inn.


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