From Effie with Love, Part IV

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The group decides it is time to rest so Jolly sets up noise maker traps and Quadrone gives out watch assignments...again. The next day we decide to take another path that Ara had noticed. As we head down we see a large group of cattle headed towards us. For fear of being a part of a stampede, we decide to go back and find another path.

We decide to rest. On Jolly's watch he hears what sounds like small creatures making noise, coming down the path. He goes to get a closer look and sees 6 Kobalds coming down the path, headed our way. Jolly dashes back to camp and wakes us all up. Caine pops up and uses his sling, but misses. Quadrone pops up and again shoots 4 arrows in the general direction of the Kobalds. This time he got lucky (must be from Jolly's coin) and he hits and kills not only one but THREE Kolbalds and wounds a fourth. Jolly moves towards them and I place a blessing on Caine, Jolly, and Ara. The Kobalds decide to retreat.

We loot the dead Kobalds' bodies and we find a broken compass with words written in sylvan and three slings. Jolly and I each take a sling. We decide to start the journey back to the monastery. Once at the monastery we brief them on our journey. We decide to rest and eat and then to head back to Waterdeep the next day.

On our way back to Waterdeep we see a large old stone door at the base of the mountain not far from where we had our encounter with the large spiders. We finally make it back to Waterdeep and after being taxed on our new goods, we head back to the safety and comfort of the Cozy Couch Inn.

I hope all is well at the temple. I miss you all dearly, however, I have decided to stay with this adventuring group for a while. I believe I can do tremendous works in the name of the goddess with these new adventuring companions. I will write again soon.

Your Adoring, Pint-Size Apostle,

Euphemia Underbough (Effie)



Deep Water in WaterdeepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora