Recovery of the 1021 Almanac, Part I

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From the journal of Ara Nightbreeze...

Had I not lived through it, I never would have believed the story I am about to write. Sitting here in the firelight, once again safe and warm in the Temple of Silvanus, I shall preserve these past few days' incredible happenings with quill and ink, though I could scarcely forget them if I tried.

10 Alturiak 1518 DR

The day started snowy and cold, just as it has every day since I first arrived in Waterdeep back in Deepwinter. The mercenary Daros, the pirate Jolly, the sage Rue, and myself gathered at The Cozy Couch where we began our day swapping rumors and legends.

Jolly, who had set sail for a week of adventure with Captain Redbones of the Expensive Mistress, has learned of a secret island on which rests an ancient ruin potentially riddled with treasure. If he were hoping to plunder the ruins for himself, one wonders why Redbones revealed his knowledge that such a place even exists. "Loose lips sink ships," someone should remind the captain. That said, I've added "Redbones' Ruins" to our ever-growing adventure log.

Daros reminded us of strange occurrences to the east of Waterdeep, where goblin activity is increasing. Daros's paydays are growing all the richer as Waterdeep's mercenaries continue to disappear. In the short term, Daros is benefiting financially from the dwindling supply of mercs, but in the long term, we must realize that we too are sellswords, and whatever has taken the others will eventually come for us.

Finally, Rue reminded us of the mysteriously popular 1021 Almanac, which no less than two parties are now interested in, those being Hala Myrt and Edenda Delaine. Unanimously, the party agreed this was our most urgent quest, and we headed off to the lower archives, united and headstrong in our abilities to recover the tome.



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