Jolly Greases Palms

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After a spectral hound was encountered while the party made their way back to the Cozy Couch, Jolly decides to spend a good portion of his time (and up to 5sp to gather information, grease palms, etc) to determine who might have wanted to thwart the activities of our intrepid heroes. Perhaps the rat-generating gnome from the Grinning Lion? If so, why? Who has taken an interest in making our work more difficult?

Secondly, while he has generally not felt a need for missile-type weapons during his career of piracy, Jolly is beginning to see their effectiveness. While he still prefers "up-close" work, perhaps being able to take one shot with a crossbow while licking his own wounds or even as the occasional surprise attack may not be a bad way to ensure a longer life. Jolly will spend some time finding a crossbow that "feels right" in his hands and will spend some time practicing with it, learning how it works, and just figuring out how he can carry it without it impeding his other actions. (And whenever his next weapon proficiency is available, crossbow will be selected.)

Jolly will continue to live a "poor" lifestyle, and will happily spend up to another 5sp to keep his liver properly pickled. Any free time, he will offer to provide a little extra muscle should any party members need assistance with their down time activities.



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