The Short Scrolls: 9 Ches 1518 Edition, Scroll 2

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Crime Spree in the Trade Ward

Ches 8, 1518

Shops and homes in Trade Ward are finding themselves under attack as a crime spree appears to have broken out over the past tenday. The criminals, identified as members of the street gang known as The Plague Rats, have been blatantly breaking into private properties and making off with all they can carry in their sacks.

Residencies and businesses that have invested in armed guards have not been immune to the attacks, as gang members seem to be able to overpower most private security.

If you find yourself the victim of a robbery, the Watch recommends that you do not attempt to intervene yourself, and to get to a safe place before notifying the Watch.

Large Weapon Ban To Be Discussed Before the Court Tomorrow

Ches 9, 1518

Lawmakers have placed a proposal before the Masked Lords of Waterdeep earlier this week to ban the possession of weapons larger than a dagger by civilians in the streets of Waterdeep.

The Common House, an organization of free citizens who claim to represent the commoner of the city, have publicly announced their outrage against such a proposal.

With the increase in violence in the city, and the Watch's inability to maintain order in the streets, the proposal was made to protect law-abiding commoners from gangs and criminals who walk the streets armed. The proposal was made in response to an incident last month where a group of adventurers caused general mayhem in the City of Splendors while fighting against a gang of thieves openly in the streets. Some citizens have grown weary of this occurrence, which is growing in frequency.



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