The Short Scrolls: 16 Ches 1518 Edition

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Red Sashes Strike Again

Ches 12, 1518

A young nobleman was found on the steps of Castle Waterdeep, beaten and tied with the signature crimson sash of the city's most infamous vigilante group.

Pendalin Brossfeather, youngest son of the noble family, has been dodging accusations of human trafficking in Waterdeep. He escaped trial last year when accusers withdrew their statements suddenly before he was to stand and defend against them. Even in light of additional evidence against him that has since turned up, the Watch had been reluctant to apprehend him again.

Most noble houses employ servants in the City of Splendors, but slavery is highly illegal among the free people of this city. While there have been many unofficial accusations that some families blur the lines between the two, the subject has yet to see a successful challenge in court.

Cormyrian Jewels Stolen!

Ches 15, 1518

A wedding gift from His Lordship, Sir Corday Ammakyl to his bride has been stolen. The Cormyrian Jewels are a rare and priceless collection that have been in the Ammakyl family for generations. The magnificent collection has sometimes been viewable on display at Piergeiron's Palace, and have captured the admiration and envy of Waterdhavians for years.

The watch's primary suspect in the robbery is the infamous master thief, Fingers Rubino. Watch Commissioner Srouse has released a statement that the nefarious rogue's calling card was left at the scene.

The Ammakyl family has offered a substantial reward for the return of the jewels.



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