A Day in Court, Part I

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Eleasis 19, 1517

Awakening at the Arid Hawk Vineyards, at breakfast, Rue, Jolly, and Adrik met a visiting member of the Emerald Enclave, Kelderan Nightwalker, who had also arrived to address the problems of the farmers. Having found things adequately taken care of, the ranger invited the party to seek out his camp on the frontier to the east if ever they were inclined to take up a role of guardianship between civilization and nature.

Returning to Waterdeep, their treasure was subjected to the 1% "Treasure Tax" at the gates, where they were held up by bureaucratic quill pushers.

They eventually were allowed entry, only to find that the Cozy Couch had been ransacked by thugs in their absence. The elderly Fishersons finally revealed that the reason for their lack of business was that a local businessman was scaring away all their customers in a attempt to force them to sell their building. They could not tell the location of this man, only that his thugs would periodically appear with papers, and destroy the place if they did not sign.

The remainder of their treasure was delivered to Mirt the Moneylender, for safe keeping in his vaults. After weighing their options, the party had decided that this was the best and most safest place to keep their coin, as the chest was too bulky to haul around the city with them, and leaving it at an Inn, especially one that was periodically raided by thugs, was not the most secure measure.

From there, they made their way to the courthouse, to meet with Magistrate Aeloen. Along the way, a commotion arose around a half-elf being attacked by a water weird. The party jumped in to help, fending off the creature, and saving the poor thatcher. He was on his way to the court also, to file a complaint about a mage neighbor's late night noises. He believes the neighbor to have sent the creature to assassinate him.


Photo: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Courthouse-342209151

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