Recovery of the 1021 Almanac, Part III

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While the rogues checked for traps the entire way, the party followed the white line down through the floor until we reached the circulation room. Inside this harried space, an even stranger modron resembling a starfish with a face on each of its five arms, named Pentadrone 23, called to our aide that of one Quadrone 843, a small but perfectly cube-shaped, winged modron.

Quadrone 843 led us to a room containing an abandoned ashtray and a curious pipe with smoke still wafting from it. Daros detected the smell of tobacco and sulfur in the smoke, but before we could investigate further, an air elemental constructed itself right before our eyes. Knowing full well we were over-matched, we dashed back in the direction from which we came.

Poor Quadrone 843, ever-loyal to the archives, attempted a futile defense against the elemental as we fled. Having easily dispatched Quadrone 843, the elemental pursued us back to the circulation desk, where it was surrounded and attacked by an overwhelming swarm of modrons.

Using the modrons' defense as a distraction, Jolly led us back toward the library once again, where we found Quadrone 843 disheveled but alive. Jolly encouraged us to march further into the lower archives, and after convincing Quadrone 843 to tell us where we could find the 1021 Almanac, led us to a door in which a howling wind echoed from behind.

This is where the day turned dream-like.



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