From the Cozy Couch to the Lower Archives, Part IV

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The remainder of our return to the Cozy Couch is less eventful. And we all turn in, to rest and recover from our wounds. Jolly tells us that he has some other things to look into, and will not be joining us in the morning.

We rose at dawn, and took the High Road towards the Scrivener's Guild. Adrik, taking us through the market, looked for silvered weapons, or potions of healing. He found only common goods, nothing magically out of the ordinary.

As we headed down the Street of Silver, a cart came at us, careening out of control, splashing Rue and Adrik with water and mud; thankfully I was able to dance out of the way (the hunter's green, under my mail, is the only set of clothes I own).

Entering the archives, we saw Edenda striding to meet us: "Rue, are you here to take me up on my offer?" Rue replied: "Yes, and I have brought some friends to help me in this quest." Edenda, chuckling, takes us to the back of the room, and into a room like a cage where she removed a key from her bag and opened the barred door. Taking a right then a left , Edenda led us under an arch, removing another key she opened the final door.

Rue asked her if she knew where the almanac was; but Edenda said she had no idea where the text was... within the maze.

Descending some stairs, we see an elaborately carved set of metal doors. Adrik checks them, and they seem unlocked; so, he opens them, revealing a large, dark room. The chamber is thirty feel wide, and deepens into darkness. Book shelves cover the walls, and more shelves march away from us, down the middle of the room.

We hear a the rustling of pages, and books start sliding off the shelves to flutter about, reorganizing themselves. Then they coalesce into a swarm and attack! Rue casts Chill Touch to cool the books down without hurting them. Adrik, also wanting to be gentle to the books, swings with his war pick. For my part, I swipe at a text, gently, but not too gently; the glancing blow knocks it off course but does it no serious harm. Rue tries to blast the books again but misses. Adrik throws a net and tries to gather some books and subdue them. But the books scatter and re-coalesce. I flail at a book, knocking a few pages loose. Adrik is buffeted by several large volumes. Rue blasts the swarm with eldritch magic and singes several texts as they flutter about. Adrik grazes a text. I flail wildly now, hitting only wind. Some books smack, harmlessly off Adrik's shield. In one great blast, Rue strikes most of the rest of the books down! Adrik finishes off the last book, impaling it on his pick.

A quick scan of the titles finds that they are all bad, bodice rippers detailing a torrid romance between a drow and an ogre.

Feeling tired and satisfied, we retreat easily, and safely from the Lower Archives, and return to the cozy couch, in the Cozy Couch.



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