Delivery of the Almanacs, Part I

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From the journal of Ara Nightbreeze...

17 Ches 1518

(The 3rd assembly of The Saturday Knights in The Claw of Sunsets)

Amber, Princess Aelyss, Ruelaga, and myself gathered at The Cozy Couch. After 33 days and with help from Jolly, Rue finished an exquisite forgery of the 1021 Almanac. We decided to give the original copy to Edenda Delaine and the forged copy to Hala Myrt. The four of us hailed rickshaws to Edenda's office, where we delivered the almanac to Edenda and received a recipe for healing potions in exchange.

Next, we decided to pursue a quest for a basilisk gland so we could have an alchemist mix a stone-to-flesh potion for Lorzaren Dewbend. Rue knew of a basilisk book in the Lower Archives that might prove to be a helpful aid on our hunt, so we walked two blocks west to the Lower Archives, where Rue persuaded the attendants to allow us to enter.

While Rue found and read the basilisk book, I retrieved my rope and Jolly's piton from our last journey to the Lower Archives. The book Rue found provided the following information about basilisks:

1. They are a medium-sized, often-lone reptile that lays eggs in batches

2. They eat their petrified victims and pass stone-like feces, which can be used to track them

3. They must be within 30' of their victim in order to attempt to petrify them

4. A person can sometimes resist the petrifaction if their constitution is strong enough

5. A basilisk may mistake its own reflection for a rival and unintentionally petrify itself

6. When born, they bond with the first creature they see, creating strongly bonded, protective broods

7. An illustration showed where the reptile's gland is located and how it can be harvested, even if the creature itself is petrified

Based on this information, we determined the four of us might be able to defeat a basilisk, especially if we could find a large enough mirror to petrify it with its own gaze. In the meantime, we headed for The Grinning Lion Tavern to give Hala Myrt the forged copy of the 1021 Almanac.



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