From Effie with Love, Part II

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The adventurers decide that this would be their mission. I decided to join them, as I felt in debt to assist this monk who saved me. I thought that maybe I could help those in need and do the goddess' work with this group of people who can hopefully keep me safe from all of the frightening forces that are outside my temple's walls.

We headed out the North gate (after I prayed a blessing over that inn and its lovely owners) and Jolly retrieved a wagon and horses from the stables. The adventurers had been gifted this wagon by a group in Militon. Our group began our trek east along the Long Road, led by Caine. I made sure to stay in the middle of the group as not to be snatched up by some creature who wants to eat me. I frequently look like a tiny tasty snack to other creatures. About 4 hours into our trip, we reached an area at the southern foot of the Sword Mountains where we saw three large pillars that have a flat ceiling overhead. This appears to be ruins of some kind and the pillars were weathered and jagged. It was dusk by now and we decided that we should rest here for a short time, as we were weary from our travels. The overhang would give us shelter from the wind so it appeared to be the perfect spot. I started to survey the area for possible threats as I am very small and the one most likely to succumb to demise. As I am looking around, I notice some shadows moving overhead on what appears to be the top of the overhang. I am frozen and can't speak as I realize the shadows, who are now forming shape as they descend the pillars, are very massive SPIDERS!!! I move back away from the structure as not to become a spider meal.

Jolly rushes over to the wagon to protect the horses. Ara partially hides behind some rubble near him to get cover and he shoots his crossbow. His arrow pierces the back of one of the spiders. Caine uses his sling to hit the same spider. He hits! The spider comes crashing down to the ground as it splatters green goo everywhere and dies. Quadrone 843, who is a fascinating and unusual companion, is busy organizing the rocks nearby in an orderly fashion from smallest to largest, as the attack starts. He becomes vaguely aware that his fellow companions are under attack and that he must pull himself away from his task and assist, but he is slow in doing so.

At this time, I decide it best to also hide behind some rubble, as not to be in the open, and I ready myself with my warhammer, just in case. Jolly stays on defense near the horses. Ara fires his crossbow, again hitting another spider, this time right between the eyes, and it falls to its death. It also splatters green goo as it hits the ground next to its companion spider. ONLY 2 MORE TO GO!!!

Quadrone 843 is now fully removed from his organizational task and uses his short bow to quickly shoot four arrows in the direction of our enemies. As he was not fully aiming, only one of his arrows hit, and sticks into the shoulder of one of the spiders. Caine uses his sling and a rock heads in the direction of the spiders. It would have been a great shot, but it was released at the same time Quadrone realized he needed to help and had stood up from his rock pile. Quadrone's head intercepted the rock right after he let his 4th arrow go. Quadrone then reminded Caine that he is not the enemy. This Quadrone is such an unusual creature.

I had a temporary moment of insane bravery when I decided to move in close to the spider that Quadrone had previously hit. I lifted my warhammer, which is just a slight bit too heavy for me still, and I used all my might to swing. As it soared around my body, I could only pray that it would hit something. SUCCESS! I hit that horrible creature and it splattered green goo everywhere as it fell to its death. Jolly then headed up to the last spider and used his shortsword which only enraged the creature and made it come after him. Ara then used his crossbow and takes the spiders head off with his bolt that pierces through the creature's neck. DONE! All of the spiders dead! Yay!



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