The Release of Lord Alauren, Part III

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14 Ches 1518 DR

Elder Aesop Saddler warned us to not trust Lord Alauren. I casted dragons' teeth to determine our fate with Lord Alauren, and the results came up "woe." Still, we decided the journey had been too long to turn away now, and Jolly and Adrik had a legal obligation to present themselves to the lord. For all our efforts, we ended up jailed--all except for Taren, who managed to convince the Guard he was a wandering drunk not associated with us.

While we were jailed, a buxom woman lured away the jailer, allowing Jolly to stealthily pick the cell's lock with a fork he palmed during dinner. We freed the rest of the party and met up with Taren outside. We walked the shadows of Milleton back to the south road, where Lord Alauren met us in the dark with our wagon and equipment and told us the entire Guard was corrupt, and he was the one who sent the woman to distract the jailer so we could escape. He assured us his action to have us arrested was a ruse, and he urged us to find his daughter, who has been missing now for many months, presumed kidnapped by Grebius Kreft.

Before we parted, Lord Alauren told us we might find Kreft in the Noble Decanter in Waterdeep's Castle Ward near the docks.

Ches 18 1518 DR

Home sweet home, we arrive safely back in Waterdeep.



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