From the Cozy Couch to the Lower Archives, Part II

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Without hesitation, Jolly slashes an enemy, and is missed by him in return. He is nicked by another foe, who moves around his flank. Rue, all coiled sinew, evades attempts by two attackers. The cowardly, leader, standing back, clumsily jams his crossbow as he aims at Jolly. Seeking high ground, ideal for my long bow, I spring up the stars to the gallery. Trying a new spell I have learned, sighting down my arrow, I Mark one of the thugs menacing Rue, who glows a satisfying green, like a thick canopy of leaves kindled by dawn's light. My arrow flies true, ending that threat to Rue. Adrik, removing a pinch of small gravel from a pouch, tosses it towards another ruffian, the stones fly out, Marking him clearly; and the dwarf draws out a dangerous looking war pick. Rue, moves away impugning the thugs to leave the owners alone and, eyes glowing, tail coiled, she casts Eldritch Blast; there is a flash and a blue ball homes in on the attacker Adrik had marked, severely wounding him. Pressing for advantage, Jolly attacks and parries his two opponents; incredibly none are harmed. Concentrating, to move my Mark, to the other enemy, next to Adrik; my arrow stands up straight in his chest, as he joins his companion on the floor. Adrik's war pick is parried by his Marked enemy. Rue moves to the foot of the stair to get a better vantage, but her eldritch blast flies high and fizzles on the ceiling. Jolly, attempts to pummel his wounded foe, but is forced to dance back, and his strike goes wide. Moving the Mark is easier this time; I focus on the enemy with the bow, loose my arrow, wounding him. Adrik's pick, smashes in the skull of his thug. Rue, moves in and attacks one of Jolly's adversaries with her cross bow. Jolly swings at his previous dance partner, connecting and dealing a grievous blow. The three wounded brigands disengage and run out the door. Making a long dash, from the balcony to the door, I see them running down the street. Adrik, purses, to the door and lets fly an arrow, but just misses, frightening an old woman, nearby. Some of the Waterdeep town guard take note and move in our direction. Rue casts Expeditious Retreat and practically flies to the door to cast Eldritch Blast, the blue fire envelopes one of the wounded ruffians as he retreats, and he falls, well done, to the street. Thinking of the safety of our hosts, Jolly stays in the inn, anticipating more trouble from a different quarter. The remaining two thugs dash into the crowd and disappear.

A small knot of the Town Guard arrives, full of questions. We are exonerated by the innkeepers; and the Town Guard goes to get the City Watch.

Quiet through the altercation, the innkeepers spring into action and cook a feast in thanksgiving for our small help in preserving their establishment for another day. It is one of the finest Wintertide meals I have ever shared with friends!

So, it is decided, we will seek out Hala Myrt, an acquaintance of Jolly's at the Grinning Lion, for information on Lord Sedfreid Alauren, Grebius Kreft, and Konroy Skringe. I am glad to join this bright company, in defense of the kindly innkeepers, and in their wider adventures.



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