The Short Scrolls: 9 Ches 1518 Edition, Scroll 1

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The Watch Issues Caution as Zombies Attack Citizens

Ches 3, 1518

Watch Commissioner Srouse issued a warning to Waterdhavians who find themselves out after dark in response to a number of reports stating that the lumbering corpses of the deceased have been wandering the night streets in search of prey.

Three separate reports are on the books of attacks, mainly in the Castle Ward. It's unknown where the creatures are originating from. The City of the Dead remains tightly locked and closely guarded at night, and authorities have ruled that ward out as a source of the undead menace.

The Gauntlet Throws Down

Ches 7, 1518

The Order of the Gauntlet has graciously offered to step in to bolster the Waterdeep Watch. Though the faction is not directly associated with the City of Splendors, the honorable members of The Gauntlet have a tendency to do good deeds wherever they find the opportunity.

"We don't often take sides in the affairs of sovereign powers," stated Sir Silveron Shimmermantle, a High Paladin of The Order of the Gauntlet, "but we have looked carefully at the situation in Waterdeep and have determined that The Southward Butchers are a destabilizing force in the city, and must be dealt with."

Agents of The Gauntlet will be working closely with the city Watch to deal with the Southward Butchers, rather than taking matters into their own hands, like the many vigilante and adventuring groups in the city tend to do.

"We'll take all the help we can get," Watch Commissioner Feldham Srouse stated at the announcement.


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