A Day in Court, Part II

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Finally at the office of the Magistrate, their meeting was interrupted by the Watch bringing in a drunkard. Aeloen seemed concerned over this man, who was frequently brought before him. To punish him to the letter of the law would take him away from his daughter, but to let him go on was doing him no justice in straightening him out. It was Jolly who recommended that he sentence him with community service, here in town, where he could also be near his daughter.

As for the business in Milleton, the Magistrate assigned the three to find concrete proof against Lord Alauren, though he could not empower them in any official capacity. He recommended they interrogate the prisoner, and failing that visit taverns, such as The Yawning Portal, in search of leads to the elusive Grebius Kreft.

The party then visited Castle Waterdeep, where Lord Alauren was held captive in a stately tower, rather than a dank, dungeon cell. Fearful of the harm that Jolly the half orc might bring down on his head, he caved and revealed that Kreft had forced him into his position after kidnapping his daughter. He had met Kreft through a mutual acquaintance at the taproom of the Vinters and Brewers guild, Halaal Myrt.

Leaving the cell, and questioning the guard, the lord's only visitor had been his lawyer, John Cattleprod, who was assisting in his liberation.

Late that evening, the party stayed the night at the Fiddling Halfling, near the courthouse. Well rested from their wounds in the previous day's combat, they made their way to the Law Offices of Cattleprod, Brand, and Scythe, saving two people from a burning building along the way.

Eleasis 20, 1517

Reaching their destination, they hit a wall, as the legal servants would not divulge any information about their client. Their only lead left now was to seek out Myrt at the Brewers' Guild.


Photo: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Courthouse-342209151

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