The Short Scrolls: 2 Ches 1518 Edition, Scroll 2

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Noble Wedding Cause for Celebration

Sir Corday Ammakyl was wed to Lady Orladane Ruldegost, joining two noble houses. The ceremony was held at Piernigorn's Palace.

Taverns all over Waterdeep will be celebrating with half price ale for the next tenday. They hope the occasion will convince more people to leave the house after the past month of awful weather has kept them shut inside.

The Humanists have issued a statement that the timing of this event is suspicious, and is merely a cheap political move intended to distract attention away from a recent decision to "recruit orcs and demons into our city Watch."

A Treasured Gift Restored

Alturiak 21, 1518

The Azure Dog, a crystalline statue of great value, was returned to Castle Waterdeep after it had been stolen over a tenday ago.

The statue was presented to The Masked Lords at their court yesterday by former noblewoman, Sylthia Moonstar. She presented the statue on behalf of a cult she had joined, early last year.

"Scionel brings you tidings of order and peace. With the return of this statue, both may be restored," announced the noble-turned-cultist at the presentation.

The statue was intended to be a gift from the City of Waterdeep to the City of Baldur's Gate, as a good faith offer to be presented while requesting an extension on repayment of our city's debts to our southern neighbor. Laerel Silverhand has been criticized for not making the restoration of the city's treasury a priority over her other interests. With the return of the statue, Waterdeep at least has a chance of not falling into greater debt.

Little is known about Moonstar's new cult, though she stated several times that they alone were responsible for the return of the statue.



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