Chapter 29 - Too Much Teasing and Early Birthday Presents

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Just a warning to say that a fair section of this chapter is a Nophie sex scene, but as with all the sex scenes I write, I've tried to make it more cute rather than dirty and there's nothing particularly graphic or explicit in it, so I hope you like it :)

Two days later and it was Friday. Nathan and I had spent loads of time together, just the two of us. During the tour, the boys had always been around, and though they were a laugh to hang around with, it was nice for me and Nathan to spend some time alone. Today however, Chloe had a day off uni and claimed we needed some 'Chlophie bonding time' by having a shopping spree. Chloe said she needed a new outfit, which amazed me because she already has fifty million items of clothing, and it was Nathan's birthday soon so I was going to look for a present for him, though I had absolutely no idea what to buy.

"What do you think of this one?" Chloe asked me, holding up a red lipstick against her lips.

"You'll really suit that" I told her honestly, "you suit loads of different colours of lipstick, you just have one of those faces"

"So do you" she replied, "in fact, you suit red lipstick better than me" she sighed, placing the lipstick back

"Are you alright there?" a sales-lady appeared at the side of us, her smile almost as fake as her face, judging by the amount of make up that was plastered across it.

"No" Chloe sighed, "I can't find a lipstick that suits me"

The sales assistants eyes lit up as she realised she was probably going to get a sale with the naive girl to my right. I rolled my eyes and exhaled, before my mind wandered off to other things.

Including Nathan's birthday present.

Trouble was, I was so bad at buying presents for people. I never know what to get them and now was no exception. It wasn't like he was one of those friends that you could get away with buying a gift card and a bubble bath set for; he meant so much to me so I had to put loads of effort into it.

Plus, he had always got me really good presents in the past and mine had always seemed mediocre in comparison so that was added pressure.

"Thank you!" I heard Chloe say to the sales assistant who smiled at her and left again, "isn't this colour lovely?" she gushed, holding up the pink lipstick that the lady had found for her.

"Yes, beautiful" I said flatly. "can you just buy it and then we can go somewhere else? This shop is boring me"

"But I wanted to look at blusher"

"I need to find Nath a decent present"

"Maybe we'll find Nath a present in the blusher section" she suggested, biting her lip.

"Chloe" I warned.

"Alright, no blusher for Chloe today" she huffed, marching over to the tills.

I know I seem harsh but if I don't get her out of there now, then I won't get her out of there all day.

I walked outside of the shop and waited a minute, before she came out.

"Where to next?"

"What shops sell nice things for men that they'd like for their birthday?" I sighed.

"Ann Summers?" She joked.

"I meant like things that don't involve me wearing something revealing"

"What about clothes? We could go to like Topman or somewhere like that" she suggested.

"I dunno, it wouldn't look like I'd put much effort in if I just got him a random t-shirt"

"You could get him some shoes" she said, "he likes his trainers"

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