I'm Not Sure if I Like School.

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Elsa planned to have an easy day today. Her schedule included classes like art, history, home economics, and other classes she could easily ace. Here at Norway High, most of the teachers were extremely lenient on their students projects. Many A's and B's were passed out, even to students who barely tried. The math teacher, unfortunately, was not one of them.
"Attention please!" The professor slapped his ruler against his desk. He cleared his throat. "There is a list of students with late assignments on the back board. In a few minutes I would like you all to check it in an orderly fashion." Some students chuckled into their palms. "Was something funny Mr. Weselton and Mr. Isles?"
Both boys shook their heads innocently. "Good." He turned his back to write some problems on the board.
The screeching of chairs being scooted back filled the classroom, but the professor seemed to be oblivious to he movement.
Everyone lined up to check the list. Elsa gasped when she saw the list. Her name couldn't possibly be on it! She had turned in every paper, every assignment, and every piece of scratch paper she used. She scowled to herself and went up to the professor. "Um, sir? My name was on the list of late work and I am sure I have turned in everything."
The professor turned to Elsa. He looked even bigger than usual, "Are you doubting my system?"
"No, I-"
"I have a very intricate system I go through whilst grading papers. Call me old fashioned, but it works."
Elsa nodded and knew she could get no further with him. She turned away, said thank you, though he clearly didn't deserve it, and walked back to her seat. Hans Isles snickered as she walked past. Elsa glared at him.
Hans and Elsa had a little bit of a history.
Hans was Anna's first boyfriend when she was in 8th grade. Elsa had told Anna he was not a good guy. He skipped his work and received bad grades. He also disrespected his parents and went to numerous amounts of parties. Despite Elsa's warning, Anna was convinced she could change him. But instead he ended up cheating on her with some other girl. Anna was heartbroken. Ever since then, Elsa hated the guts out of this guy. And the feeling was mutual with each other.
Elsa started thinking. He wouldn't! That was two years ago, how could he still hold a grudge? But Elsa went to the back of the room and checked the list. Sure enough, his name was not on it, and Elsa was sure he never did his homework.
Jack went to his first few classes and was excited when lunch came. Sandy was already waiting for him at their table. Tooth soon joined them. "So fellas! What's the new Burgess High news?"
Sandy told her about Jack's conversation with him on the ride to school, they he started talking about something that happened in Agriculture class when Tooth stopped him.
"Wait, Jack prank called this girl he doesn't even know?"
Sandy nodded. That wasn't enough for Tooth so she turned to Jack. "You did?"
Jack smiled and was about to say something. "You did!" Tooth said, excitedly. "So do you like her?"
"What? No! I called her once, I don't even know what she looks like."
"Did she sound pretty?" Tooth further interrogated.
"What- what kind of question is that?"
"You can tell how people look by the way they sound."
"And how do you know this?"
"Oh, just from, um, prank calling every one of the players on the football team."
"What? How come you never told me about this!" Jack looked sad to miss out on the fun.
"It was an inside job. You know I was manager for the football team a couple years ago?"
"Yeah, I always wondered why. You were never the football type."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"That you're the crazy girl who manages the football team to prank them."
"Crazy can be good." She protested.
"So how'd you do it?" Sandy spoke up.
Tooth grinned. "I was going to the coach's office to drop off stats when I saw all the boy's contact information sitting right out. Obviously I took advantage of it and put all of them in my phone. That night I called each one."
"And I could tell which boy was which from their voices."
"What did you say to them?" Jack asked curiously.
Tooth crossed her arms, "That information is classified."
"Arg, come on!"
"Nope, I won't say it."
"Oh, alright. I give up.
"So back to my original question. What did she sound like?"
"A girl," Jack said sarcastically.
Tooth pretended to look thoughtful. "Hmm, good. I'd hate to hear a masculine sounding person named Elsa."
Sandy snickered and Jack chuckled.
The bell rang shortly after.
"Oh, gotta run, see you guys after school?"
Sandy nodded.
"Uh, actually, my mother has sort of grounded me for the week so straight home for me. Sorry guys." Jack said, though he hated saying it.
"Why, what ever for?" Tooth made her eyes big.
"Going to the Pizza Place on a school night without telling my parents.
"Pizza Place? That's all the way in the Norway school district." Tooth pointed out.
"What can I say, I travel far for good food. See you guys later."

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