I'm sure this dance will be fun

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Jack typed in the numbers to Elsa's cell. There was only one full ring before she picked up.
"Hey!" He said with the same enthusiasm. "Someone's excited I called them." He joked.
"I can just see that smug smirk on your face now," Elsa replied.
"You'd be right then."
There was a moment of silence.
"Oh! You'll never guess what happened just a minute ago." Elsa broke the silence.
"I'm intrigued."
"Hans text asked me to that Summer Dance Anna was talking about. Can you believe that? It's this Friday and he decides to ask me over a text!?"
Jack gulped. "What did you say?"
"Do you even have to ask? I obviously told him no."
"So, um, do you want to go to the dance? You know, with me?"
Another moment of silence.
"Jack, of course! Yeah!"
"Great! I'm so sorry it's a little late notice and everything, but a lot has been going on lately that I just forgot."
"It's fine, really. I'm so glad you asked me."
"Cool, and we'll have to go kind of double dating with my friend Tooth. She wanted me to come because she's with a guy."
"Make that a triple date. My sister and her boyfriend will want to go with us too."
After a few more minutes of talking, they hung up their phones. Jack looked at the time, 10:30. It was too late to go shopping for a nice pair of clothes. He sighed and went to his room. He'd have to find the time to shop, sadly, that meant no stopping at Elsa's house between his jobs.
Elsa looked frantically through her closet. She hadn't attended a dance since prom and since this wasn't a formal dance, that dress wouldn't do. She went to Anna's room where she was setting up a short green dress to hang on her closet door.
"Elsa! So glad you're here! What do you think?"
"It's beautiful," Elsa looked at the detailing of the dress.
"I know!" Anna squealed. She then looked to her sister, "are you going to the dance this Friday?"
Elsa nodded.
"Yes!" Anna hugged Elsa.
"But I need something to wear..."
"Sure!" Anna dug through her closet and pulled out a teal dress almost exactly like the one she had out. "I couldn't pick a color," Anna blushed.
Elsa held it up to her, "This is perfect," she smiled and hugged her sister with one arm.
In the morning, Jack worked his shift, then called Tooth up to help him go shopping. Jack was just getting out of his car when Tooth came running down her front steps.
"Let's go!" She closed the door to his car behind her. Jack got in.
"Where are we going first?" She asked.
"The mall? I told you that on the phone."
"No, what store, silly!"
Jack shrugged, "Doesn't matter."
"Where do you usually go first?"
"I don't know, anywhere."
She flicked him on the forehead.
"Ouch! Hey!"
"We need a plan, for the most efficient shopping route."
"Why, exactly?"
"I have a map of the mall," Tooth pulled out a printed layout of the mall. "And I've taken the liberty if drawing a route in red marker," she showed him.
"When did you do this?" Jack took a closer look at her map. "I only told you we were going shopping last night!"
Tooth shrugged, "Gotta be prepared! It's not often I get to go shopping with Jack Frost."
"My first name would've sufficed."
"Yeah, but I need a chance to use the full thing once in a while."
Jack smiled and started his car. "So, where do we start?"
Tooth grinned, "I have a few ideas," she pointed to the first point on her map.
"Hans! Get out!"
"I'm not leaving until I get an answer."
"I already gave you an answer, it's just not the one you wanted, so leave!"
Hans grinned at Elsa and sat on her bed. "You've got it figured out, Ice Queen."
"Why do you want to take me to that stupid dance anyway?"
"Ever thought it was because I liked you?"
Elsa crossed her arms. "No."
"Good, because that's not the reason."
"Keep telling yourself that."
"I didn't lie."
Elsa rolled her eyes. "Okay then." She turned to do something else, ignoring him.
"Ice Queen."
She ignored him, folding some of the laundry by her dresser.
"Ice Queen," he said louder.
"What," she asked bitterly.
"Here," she felt a hand on her shoulder. She swiped it off and turned around to see him holding a paper towards her.
Elsa took it, but Hans held his finger over the top. "Is this a flyer for the dance? How does that make me want to go with you?"
Hans went to pull it away. "Never mind."
But Elsa was curious now. She swiped it away from him and looked at the part he was covering.
"Sponsored by Isles Incorporated. You're father's sponsoring the dance? Why?"
Hans smirked and Elsa knew that could mean nothing good.

This Could Be Fun (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now