I'm Sure this is a surprise!

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Elsa held her breath from inside the closet. "Ah!" She heard Anna. Elsa came rushing out to find Anna on the floor with it on top of her.
"What is that?" Elsa asked.
Anna was laughing as the dog kept licking her face. "It's a dog silly," Anna said between giggles.
"How did it get in here?!"
"I don't know!" She was still laughing. Elsa helped tug the dog off of her. "Do you know whom it belongs to?"
Anna nodded furiously. "It's Sven!"
"Kristoff's dog!"
The phone was still ringing.
Elsa rushed downstairs and picked it up. "Hello?"
"Elsa! Hey! Is Anna there?"
"Yeah," she answered. She took the phone from her face and yelled, "Anna! Kristoff's on the phone!"
"Okay!" Came the reply. Shortly after, she was running down the stairs with the clumsy, shaggy brown dog behind her.
She took the phone, "hey you! I-... Mmhmm. Yeah, he's right here... Why? Okay... Okay! See ya!" She hung up the phone and looked to Elsa who was waiting for her to speak.
"Kristoff will be over soon. He was giving Sven a walk late last night and he got off his leash and apparently came here."
Elsa nodded. "But how did he get in the house?"
Anna shrugged, "Let's investigate!"
The girls looked around the house at windows and doors, only to find the patio door was ajar. "Whoops!" Anna said. "I must have forgotten to lock it last night," she said sheepishly.
The doorbell rang and Anna ran to it. So did the dog.
As soon as she opened it, Sven jumped up on Kristoff, knocking him over.
"There you are, ya goof!" Kristoff pet his dog.
"Of course he's here, I told you that," Anna said, smirking.
"Thanks," Kristoff got up and brushed himself off. He kissed Anna on the cheek and she let him in. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you, or anything. Sven has a habit of making himself comfortable." Kristoff apologized.
"It's fine! He gave us a start though, thank goodness mama and papa didn't put cameras in our rooms!" Anna winked at Elsa.
Elsa laughed, "yeah."
The ice cream parlor closed for the day. The boss had a family thing and just wanted all his employees to take a day off. Jack went straight to Elsa's. He wanted to make sure he beat Hans.
The door was just closing as he pulled up and there was a car in the drive. Great! Hans still beat him! Jack got out and went to the door. It was opened before he could knock.
"Jack! Hey! I saw you pulling up, so I waited," Anna said.
"I'm here, I see the jerk is too," Jack said, starting to come in.
Anna stepped in his way. "Who?"
"The jerk."
"Excuse me," Anna said, sounding offended.
"He's not a jerk!"
"Who are you yelling at, Anna?" Kristoff came up behind her.
Jack made the connection. He gulped.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean, I thought Hans was here... Ugh so stupid! Sorry!"
Anna connected the dots as well. "Ooooohhhhh, I thought... Well that makes sense!" She stepped aside for Jack to come in.
"Am I missing something here?" Jack heard Kristoff behind him. Jack cringed.
"It's nothing! Elsa! Jack's here!"
Elsa came out of the back and quickly pecked Jack on the cheek before going to the door. He could hear the click of the lock.
"Locking us in, are we?" Jack raised a brow.
"I've checked all the doors," Elsa said, as if that answered his question.
"Can I ask why?" Jack followed her into the kitchen.
"Want a drink?" She offered.
"I'd like an answer," Jack said.
"Hans can't get in if we don't let him."
Jack nodded his head slowly. "Good plan."
"Thank you."
"It's practically flawless."
Elsa paid her complete attention to Jack.
"I said it's practically flawless."
"Mmhmm. I'll have that drink now."
"What do you mean, practically?" Elsa leaned over the counter to where Jack was sitting.
"You do know there's a camera on the door, right?"
"**** it!"
"Elsa, calm!"
Elsa took a deep breath. "We could take it down," she pondered aloud.
"That's not suspicious..." Jack said.
"Any suggestions?"
"Nope!" He smirked as he took a bite of an apple from the bowl.
"Ugh," Elsa buried her face in her hands.
Jack got up and consumed her in a hug. "There, there."
Elsa laughed. "Is this your way of releasing stress?"
"I'm new at this."
"Well, it's working." She said, hugging him back.
The doorbell rang. Elsa rolled the dice. Kristoff, Anna, Jack, and Elsa played Monopoly at the kitchen table. They all ignored the second ring, except for Kristoff.
"You gonna get that?"
"No," everyone answered. It rang again.
"May I ask why?"
"It's Hans." Anna answered.
"Oh, then carry on." He took his turn.
The doorbell rang multiple times in a row. Hans was getting aggravated. Finally, Anna had had enough. She opened the door with the chain lock still attached.
"How may I help you?" She asked sweetly.
"Let me in."
"I'm sorry, we don't want any girl scout cookies. Goodbye."
Hans stopped her from closing the door. "I've got your parents on speed dial. I'll give them a call if I need to."
"Ah, you're gunna call mommy and daddy on us?" She pretended to pout.
Hans took out his phone.
"Alright, fine!" She said, exasperated. Anna unlocked the door and let him in.
"So...Whatcha guys doing?"
Everyone glared at him and turned back to their game.

This Could Be Fun (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now