Oh No You Didn't!

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New story! Hope its to your liking! Shout out to nikilus1D, theRealbffti, and _Munchiees_! Love ya girls you're awesome!




I was excited as hell today, One Direction was having a concert and guess who was going? Me! I couldn't help but grin, that means I'm going to see Zayn and all his hot glory! And yes, I fantasize over him, but hey, a girl can dream.

I felt a hand being waved across my face, "Soph, are you even listening to me?" Chelsea asked, she has been my best friend ever since I can remember. How she puts up with me? I don't even know.

"Huh? Oh yeah. What were you saying?"

She cocked an eyebrow, "You weren't listening, were you?"

"I'm not going to lie, I haven't been paying attention for the past ten minutes."

She shook her head, "I thought so."

"Am I that predictable?" I mumbled, scratching my head.

"We both know the answer to that, Sophia."

"I feel deeply offended by that, somehow."

She flipped her blonde hair to the side and smiled, "As I was saying, I don't know what to wear to the concert!"

I stood up from my red bean bag and stared at my closet. Chelsea would usually sleepover at my house so she would always bring her clothes over. My whole closet was practically filled due to all of her excessive clothing.

I eyed all of the options and finally gave up, "Chelsea, you have a lot of cute clothes, just wear whatever!"

She waved her hands in an exasperated manner, "Sophia! C'mon what if I wear something too dressy?"

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Fine, let's see, put that one!" I pointed at a black flower printed dress.

Her eyes brightened and she squealed, "I love you!"

"What can I say? I'm a natural."

Chelsea raised an eyebrow, "Yeah...no, don't go killing it."

I gasped, "Dig a hole."

She was about to reply when her phone started ringing and she answered, "Hello?"

'Put it on speaker,' I mouthed.

She shook her head refusing my request, I gave her the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

'Please,' I begged.

She sighed, and finally put it on speaker, "Hey, babe."

I made a gagging noise that was Chelsea's boyfriend, Charlie, to put it in shorter terms, he's a player who likes anything with boobs and Chelsea happens to be one of the unlucky victims.

"Hey," Chelsea replied, twirling a piece of her golden hair.

"So Jake is having a party at his place and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he asked. I gagged just hearing him causes me to want to throw up.

I shook my head, 'Don't go,' I mouthed making hand signals.

She pouted, 'C'mon it'll be fun,' she mouthed back.

"No. Plus, we're suppose to go to the 1D concert!"

"We can go tomorrow," she whispered, I was about to tell her no when she suddenly did the unforgivable she said...

"I'll be there."


First chapter. I feel accomplished, tell me what you think;)

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