Chapter 16- Maryse?

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I woke up before my alarm and before Alexander, normally I would have gone back to sleep but my alarm will go off in an hour anyways, and I'd rather spend this time watching Alec than sleeping.

He looks so peaceful, like he doesn't have a single thing to worry about. I wonder if I look like that when I'm asleep, happy, peaceful, worriless. I doubt it though, with the amount of nightmares I have, I doubt I look peaceful even when I'm asleep.

Alec starts to groan and moves a bit, the peaceful look on his face fading away, being replaced by one of grumpiness and hatred.

"Good morning Alexander." I whisper softly.

"5 more minutes." He grumbles.

"Go right ahead and fall back asleep, the alarm hasn't gone off yet." I laugh a little.

The grumpy look on his face turns neutral, clearly happy that he doesn't have to get up yet. And within a few minutes the peaceful look on his face returns, and he's back asleep.

I decide to do my whole morning routine so that when Alec wakes up we won't be in each other's way.

Quietly, careful not to wake Alec up, I get ready for the day, turn my alarm off and head downstairs. I'll make sure to wake him up in a way that'll make him wake up happy, not grumpy.

"Morning mom." I smile at her.

She's sitting at the table drinking her coffee and playing some sort of game on her phone.

It's something the usually does before somebody else is awake to talk to.

"Morning Mags. Alec still sleeping?"

"Yeah, I figured I'd let him sleep for a while longer."

"Fair enough." She smiles and goes back to finishing the level she was on.

I pour myself some milk and head into the living room to watch tv.

I scroll through before finding my favourite tv show, Wizards Of Waverly Place, and don't judge me. No matter how old I am it'll always be my favourite.

I'm a little surprised that it's on, since it got cancelled you don't see many reruns anymore. All you ever see are the new Disney shows, which suck by the way.

I put Wizards on and watch what turned out to be a marathon of old shows, Good Luck Charlie was after that, and I was in the middle of watching Phil Of The Future when my mom called me to the kitchen.

I pause my show and hurry to the kitchen.

"Can you go wake Alec up and make sure he's ready? His mom should be here soon."

I nod at her and run to my room.

It almost feels wrong to wake him up and disturb that gorgeous peaceful face of his, almost.

I close and lock the door quietly and slowly walk towards the bed, careful not to wake him up before I get to it.

Once I'm at the bed I careful crawl into it, placing my arms on either side of Alec's head and staring down at him.

I place a light kiss to his forehead, he stirs a bit.

I place a light kiss to his cheek, his eyes open a little.

So I place a kiss onto his lips, just a quick soft one.

He smiles at me once I pull away.

"Well that's one way to be woken up."

"Well you were a bit grumpy when you woke up earlier, I thought maybe waking up that way would spare me getting murdered by an angry Alexander." I joke.

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