Chapter 51

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Hamish took the point as they headed back towards camp, leading the way as only his inner instinct could. Not allowing for anyone to fall behind, he still had to move at a swift pace, not wanting to put his men in any more danger than they needed to be. And even with their camp being close, it still did not get rid of the threat of ambush. Moving quickly over to the forest floor, roots, slippery leaves and large fallen branches trying to trip them if they lowered their guard. Not allowing them any chance to stop, they finally burst through the tree line and were in sight of the camp. The archers on watch immediately showing their worth as they took aim, but held their fire.

Hamish called out, watching as they lowered their weapons and called back. Their eyes staying vigilant on the tree line behind them, and Hamish made note of their names, meaning to talk of them to Cam when they returned victorious to MacKay lands. It seemed they may be in line for more responsibility as they had been proving their worth more and more over the last few months. Moving past them, he noticed the movement of those they passed pause as they caught sight of Sheena. The utter shock of seeing a woman in males dress was rather amusing to see upon others faces, especially seen as the shock had moved to the back of his mind now he had a plan forming.

Kendrick came storming forward in his overbearing way. Hamish maybe large, but at least he could blend in with the shadow and walk with the wind. Kendrick made as much noise as possible unless he absolutely had too. And right at that moment it looked like a charging bear. “What in God’s name have you brought back with you Hamish?” The shock upon the faces of the guards had been amusing, however, the disgust on Kendrick’s showed the innate wrongness of what this woman was doing, what the church preached proving that she was going against God’s will.

Yet he needed Sheena at this moment. He needed the knowledge she held. And Kendrick was about to ruin her co-operation. “Artair, take Sheena to the women’s tent.” He smirked over his shoulder, knowing both twins would be heading in that direction and neither would like being anywhere near Janetta, and the bitter twisted jealous mewling’s she spewed forth. Turning back to a fuming Kendrick, he quickly caught the man’s arm and tugged him sharply in the opposite direction to where the female was being taken.

Harshly whispering to him as he pulled him to the edge of camp. Weaving through canvas and men. “Kendrick, I do not care for your opinion, God’s opinion, or even Grant’s opinion on that woman at this moment.” As Kendrick went to protest, his grip tightened and Kendrick shot him a stare that promised returned pain. “No, Kendrick, you do not get to deliver God’s justice, not when my wife is in danger at this very moment.” Releasing him with a slight push at the same time. “And the woman currently going against God’s command is our only way inside that keep. So I would be grateful if you cannot be near her without wishing punishment, then you keep out of sight of her, and instead focus upon the safety of this camp.” Kendrick was bristling, his face red with fury.

He was not going to let this go easily, but Hamish had known him long enough to work around Kendrick’s very forthright way of thinking. “It is not right Hamish. She should not be so brazenly going against God’s will.” The angry bluster was coming down slowly as Kendrick paced before him, Hamish let him rant. Let him get all the problems and issues he had taken with the situation, away from the men, where it was safe to do so. For he knew from experience that as soon as Kendrick was over his ire, he was as loyal to a decision made as the actions of Abraham when told to sacrifice Isaac. With a final blown out breath, he was confronted by a pale, almost calm warrior once more. “I do not like this Hamish. And if you wish me to go along with this you find her something to dress her as God intended a woman to dress. If you accept that, then I will go with you through Hell itself and battle the Devil to retrieve your wife from his clutches. But we need God on our side against such evil, and the only way to do that is to make sure we do not anger him in anyway.”

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