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Jimin froze. He didn't know what to do. He just stood there just realising what had happened. He had just lost the man he had loved for years, he had him love him back. But still, his blinding anger had fucked everything up.

Was he really wrong though? He was always told that he was a mere friend to Jungkook. But, maybe sleeping with him when he was drunk wasn't the most intelligent thing to do.

Jimin had lost everything. Everyone. He didn't have his friends, nor did he have his family anymore.

The closest thing he had to a family was BTS and he had pushed them away with his disrespectful attitude.


"Hi, I'm Jimin! I just came back from lunch." said the seventeen year old beaming at the shy little 15 year old Jungkook.
"Good afternoon, hyung!" Jungkook bowed to him. Jimin chuckled.

He was so cute. So respectful. Jungkook wasn't like the average 15 year old. He was ten times more hardworking than most adults. He was quiet and shy but he had his ways of showing appreciation for his hyungs.

"The maknae is so cute!" Taehyung laughed as he saw Jungkook helping Jin clean up the small dorm.
"He is." Jimin smiled in awe. He was perfect.

Three years later Jimin was used to being teased by Jungkook and being hit every now and then. But he didn't mind because he loved the attention, Jimin didn't really want to admit but as Jungkook was growing up, the past year had been very weird for him. He could feel himself falling for the young boy, but it felt wrong to think this way.

He also didn't know if Jungkook was gay. Also, Jungkook didn't know about Jimin's family completely. He just knew that they didn't want him to become an idol. He had no idea Jimin was gay and had been disowned for it.

The only person who knew at that point was Taehyung. Kim Taehyung, his best friend. The boy who had fought everyone to stop them from bullying Jimin. He wasn't just a best friend. He was his brother.

Time passed by when it was holiday season. Jungkook was sort of bothered by the fact that Jimin had decided to stay back all alone with Taehyung. For 10 days! Jungkook felt a strange sting in his heart. He didn't want them to be alone. 

"Hyung, you two can come with me. Don't stay back all alone." Jungkook said slightly nervously. He wasn't sure about how they'd react.
"No, Jungkook. It's your family time. " Jimin smiled at him and hugged him. He wasn't strong enough to enter Busan again. He couldn't breathe that air, it would bring back too many memories.

"Oh god. " Jimin laughed.
"What?" Jungkook arched an eyebrow.
"The day you came here. You were shorter than me, look at you now." Jimin laughed again and blushed. Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat seeing Jimin's beautiful smile.

He immediately felt a pang of fear threaten. He quickly looked away. No, not this.

Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to push off the bad memories.
"Hyung, please." Jungkook said softly and Taehyung and Jimin eventually agreed. Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back to soothe his panicking heart. Jimin almost burst out crying but he controlled himself, he had become excellent at hiding his true emotions.
"It'll be so much fun!" Jungkook beamed.

Hoseok was a little sad that he won't be getting to see his sexy crush for 10 days. Taehyung bit his lip thinking the same for him. But they both weren't sure if they were liked by the other. They both would often feel so stupid for making everything so highschool dramatic but none had the courage to ask the right questions.
"Can you just ask him out?" Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung.
"What? Who?" Taehyung looked away as he now realised that he was staring at a bent over Hoseok, who was trying to pick up his phone that had fallen behind the couch.
"The one whose ass you're staring at. " Jimin laughed as he packed his belongings.
"I... He won't say yes " Taehyung couldn't even deny the fact that he loved Hoseok.
"Ugh. Stop! He's totally horny for you " Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Really?" Taehyung gulped.
"He is " they both turned to see Yoongi.
"How do you guys know?" Taehyung looked like a lost puppy.
"Um. Let's just say that he has this secret gallery on his phone with shirtless fanarts of you " Yoongi bit into the apple he was holding. Jimin laughed so hard that it grabbed Hoseok's attention.

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