2. Typical Niall

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Chapter Two: Typical Niall

I couldn't believe it, he was there, at my door step -smiling at me-! And he called me beautiful!

"N-n-nice to meet you too!" Shit! That bloody stutter. I started turning a bright crimson red. He probably thought I was a major Loser with a capital 'L' right then!

"Sorry I'm early, the Limo driver is a loony! Are you ready?" He asked, his left arm was rubbing the back of his neck while the other had his thumb awkwardly pointing toward the limousine behind him.

"No sorry, but almost! Make yourself at home!" I gestured behind me and he took a step deep into my house as if to make it easier for me to close the door. The door clicked into place and I turned to see Niall craning his neck looking for something.

"Are you making breakfast?" he asked, "smells great!" I giggled to myself and he turned to me looking confused. His hands were back in his jean pockets. Typical Niall! Of course he's thinking about food.

"Yeah you can grab some if you want," I suggested and he flashed me a heart stopping smile before showing himself to the kitchen.

I couldn't believe that the moment was finally here! I wondered where he was going to take me while I packed my last bits and pieces. Maybe Ireland? I thought to myself. Or to England or Spain or Hawaii or Bali, I list of a bunch of locations in my head.  I can ask him later, I just need to pack everything so I checked my list. I was known to forget pyjamas for a sleep over, or the card for a party.

I wondered if he could hear me if I screamed? I guessed he probably could, my house was tiny. I zipped up my bag and quickly fixed my hair and make-up, while I simultaneously resisted the urge to dance out of my room like a little girl.

"Hey Megan," Niall said cautious like a mother around her new born.

"Yeah?" I answered, -almost silently- in fear of this all being a dream, like if I were to talk to loud I would have woken up.

"Do you... like Nandos?" He asks and my cautious stance began to relax. I let myself smile reassuringly before I answered.

"What kind of outrageous question is that Niall? I could beat you at a Nandos eating contest, I love it that much!" Niall appeared to relax as well as a smile spread across his lips. He shot me a quick glance before looking away again.

"Is that a challenge Megan?" He's still smiling and the butterflies had turned into jackhammers as I watched him wander around my house.

"I believe it is!" Was this us flirting? Probably not.  I reassured myself, not that it wouldn't have been great if we were. I just couldn't get myself too excited and let myself read into things too much. Let's not forget that my idol was walking around my house and I to this day have no idea how I held my shit together. 

"You're on!" His laugh echoed throughout the room and a little giggle escaped my lips. Words could not explain how utterly nervous I was. My hero was standing in front of me, eating my food, walking around my house, laughing at something I was directly involved in.

I half dragged and half hauled my bag out of my room and Niall came out into the hall way to see what all the commotion was. He looked at me for 10 seconds and started laughing his head off. I must have looked like the biggest idiot, good start Megan. Really, you have made the biggest fool of yourself, just keep digging a bigger hole! I could feel my cheeks burn red in embarrassment while Niall tried to contain his laughter.

"Do you want any help with that?" He offered when he finally decided that seeing me in pain wasn't funny anymore.  Although his smile still lingered.

And as much as I hated to admit it, "yes please..." I whispered and started playing with the ends of my hair.

Right then he walked over toward me and bent down so out faces were inches away. My jackhammers went out of control when I caught a whiff of his cologne. An explosion of warmth surged through me, this was true attraction. His eyes were looking straight into mine which he hadn't done the whole time he was at my house. He then picked up my bag - one handed - and walked out of the house with ease "That is so hot." I whispered to myself.

"What?" He called back over his shoulder as he span on back heel.

Shit he heard me. I was never known for being quiet, "nothing!" I called back.

I locked all my doors and windows and went outside to see Niall holding the door open.

"Come on, I'm still hungry and I saw Nandos on the way in, and I love a good competition," He gave me a wink as I got into the limousine which caused me to melt into my seat.

"So do I, and I love winning!" I answered as I remembered that one time I won a bet against my best friend, but more about that later.

"Well, get ready to be disappointed," my heard was absolutely racing, this was what my dreams were like and it was actually happening. I didn't know how I was going to control myself. I vowed the night before that I wouldn't ruin things by trying to gain too much. 


Once we arrived I realised I forgot to go to the bathroom so I told Niall to get me whatever he was having while I went. When I came back I asked him what he ordered and he said "That's for me to know and for you to find out, beautiful" and smiled at me, the jackhammers kicked back into action as I quietly tried to contain my inner fan girl.




I wrote this so damn long ago, and it's so Niall-cliche. Maybe you guys will like the fact it takes you back to the good-old-days?



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