13. Don't tell Niall... Shh!

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Chapter Thirteen: Don’t tell Niall... Shh!

The plane started up and the engines roar filled my ears.  I grabbed onto Niall like he was the Buffy to my Xander... or the Beast to my beauty... You get the point. He was my saviour.  Niall did the best to comfort me holding my left hand with his right with his right arm over my shoulder, I know this seems silly, but I truely am terrified of planes and my fear of heights just tops it off!

When I was 17, there was a mouse in the kitchen so I jumped up onto a dining chair and couldn’t decided which I hated more, the height of the chair or the mouse so I literally sat on the chair rocking back and forth until mum got home. Now that’s a story not to tell Niall.

Once the plane was in the air I let go of Niall’s hand a little bit so that he doesn’t lose it and snuggle up under his arm and fall asleep.  Later waking up to Niall telling the flight assistant to be quiet so they don’t wake me. That kid cannot whisper. But I love him anyway.

“Can I please have a lemonade?”

“Damn I thought you were asleep”

“Was until you told.... Beth here that I was asleep and to be quiet”

“Oh.... Sorry sweet fart.”


“I think she also wants chocolate!”

“and why would that be?”

“Because you finished off all the chocolate in the fridge before we left”

“Hey! We were about to leave you can’t just leave perfectly good chocolate!”

“She still wants chocolate”

“I still want chocolate..” I gave in “I might have a slight addiction...”

“I have an addiction”

“And what might that be?”

“I’m addicted to you!”

“You’re funny!”

“Wasn’t joking” he said winking

“Addicted to what exactly?”

“This” he said leaning forward to kiss me

“So here’s your.... Oh, sorry...” The flight attendant really is perfect at timing.

“Yum!” I said downing the drink and starting on the chocolate.

“Wanna know why I love you Meg?”

“Okay sweet fart, tell me why you love me”

“Because you eat as much as I do”

“You stand corrected you inhaled Nandos when we first met”

“Hey, it’s ma thing!”

We’re finally in Paris! It’s so beautiful here! And I can see the Eiffel tower from the air port!

“So, are we going to the tower now or later?”

“Later, I want to show you the hotel room I booked for us!”

We were in the Limo on the way to our hotel when I heard lots of girls screaming.

“There’s the hotel” Niall said pointing at the massive building behind the screaming girls.

“How do they know where we are all the time?”

“.... Tweet Tweet...” Niall said holding his phone up shaking it. He handed it to me.

Off to Paris with my beautiful girlfriend Meg, and staying at the 5 star hotel looking over the Eiffel Tower.

“Awhh how can I stay mad at you?” I said kissing his cheek.

“You were mad at me?”


We got out of the car and started moving towards the hotel, autographing here and there so that they let us through. When we finally made it through the Security stopped the girls from getting any further so we could go sign in, in peace. Niall grabbed my hand and we went upstairs to the top level. It was starting to get dark outside and the lights were on, on the tower. It was so beautiful. I let go of Niall’s hand and ran off to the balcony to look at it closer.

“It’s so beautiful!”

“Like you!” he said from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me on the cheek. “It’s getting a little late so we can go to the Eiffel tower tomorrow” he said smiling at me, it never gets old.

We walked back inside, and I finally got a good look at the place, it was massive! White stoned flooring, with a  red shaggy rug under a black leather couch which was pointed at a 70 inch Tv! The kitchen had black tiles with white cupboards with a stainless steel fridge and stove.  I couldn’t help but go into the bedroom. It had a brown, thick carpet with a massive king size bed that had four wooden beams about eight foot high each connected by another four with red fabric hanging off it which I suppose was meant for privacy.... the bed had cream coloured sheets and a cream quilt too.  On the wall opposite the bed was a 50 inch flat screen built into the wardrobe.

In the bathroom there were cream tiles all around with a massive spa bath and two sinks and a mirror extending about 5 metres, from one end of the counter to the other. The counters with the sinks were built into the wall to make it look neater I guess. The shower was awesome! It had like 3 shower heads and they all came off of the wall on this hose thing.

Later on Niall ordered us some pasta dish while I went to go have a shower and wash my hair. When I got out I put on some trackies and brushed my hair out. I say I am rocking the look.

“Some one’s a little bit beautiful”

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re too beautiful!”

“Mmm! Dinner smells amazing!”

“I know right, took your time in the shower!”

“Woulda taken longer if you were with me” I said winking.

“Now that would ruin my perfectly good appetite!” he winked back

“I see how it is!”

“Next time! Wink wink, nudge nudge!”

After dinner we climbed into bed to watch tv on the flat screen. It was nice just to cuddle up for a few hours and watching random tv shows like a normal couple. I’m really starting to miss Australia. But I’m torn between going back and maybe never seeing Niall again...

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