28. Your love isn't true.

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Chapter Twenty-eight: Your love isn’t true.

Niall’s P.O.V

I miss Meg so much but we have been Skyping and calling every day which is good, but We’ve been away from each other for a month and I’m really missing her. So Harry and I are coming back to Adelaide for a week to see Meg and Britt! But it’s a surprise for them both. Getting on the plane Harry tripped up the stairs and I laughed so hard at him I wasn’t focusing on what I was doing and fell up them as well. I didn’t even know it was possible to trip up stairs.

The plane ride from London was so long, I just wanted to get there and see my beautiful girlfriend. On the plane Harry chatted on and on about all the things he was going to do with Britt when we got there. He also slept talked as well saying things like “Keep your hands off my lou.” I just laughed at him and fell asleep myself, I didn’t want to be tired when I see Meg again.

I had sent her loads of little presents while I was in Melbourne, like little pictures with a letter on the back. On the back of the Eiffel tower picture I wrote.

Dear my beautiful girlfriend,

This is a picture of one of the best days of my life, with my most favourite person in the world. I love you so much, and I look at my copy of this picture every day because I miss you so much. One day we’re going to go to America and Hawaii and travel the world together!

I love you.

Love from Niall xoxo

Finally arriving at the Adelaide airport Harry and I almost ran from the airplane to the car carrying our suitcases with us. Jumping in the car I told the guy where to go. The car ride took forever and Harry and I barely talked we were so excited. We missed our girls so much. When we finally arrived I saw a guy walking up to her house, and knocking on the door. She opened the door and for a moment I was distracted by her beauty, she always looks so beautiful. Then I realise she started screaming when she saw him and threw her arms around him and – did she just?

“Niall, there has to be an explanation to this.” Harry tried to comfort me.

“Did she just kiss him?” I yelled barging my way out of the car and slamming the door behind me. I was so filled with rage that I couldn’t even control my actions. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins making my face red. I could see the bone through the skin of my knuckle. I was going to punch this guy.

“OH MY GOD NIALL YOU’RE... Niall... are you okay? What are you doing?” I couldn’t talk to her now. I just reeled my arm back and put all my force into punching this dick head in the noes. “NIALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”




“Let her explain.” Harry urged.

“What the hell did you do that for man?” The guy asked hauling himself up with a blood nose.


“Nice to meet you I’m-“

“DON’T EVEN TOUCH ME.” I punched him again square in the nose, he was going to get a mad black eye tomorrow. But he deserved it.

“IF YOU DON’T LOVE ME THEN WHY NOT END IT? WHY EVEN SAY YES IN THE FIRST PLACE?” I started crying, she’s the only girl I have ever truly loved. I really thought she loved me, I thought we could have made the distance and maybe gotten married and had kids.

“I do love you Niall.” She was in tears now too, her face was all red and tears were streaming down her face.

“No you don’t you love him.” I said storming away pulling Harry with me, who was crying too. “It’s over, Meg, I hope you’re happy.”

Meg’s P.O.V

The door bell rang, who could it be? I waltzed to the door, any guest is a welcome guest, I miss Niall so much and I am constantly looking for distractions. I creaked open the door to see my cousin Greg! I haven’t seen him in such a long time!

“GREG!” I screamed! I gave him a massive hug and kiss before going to lead him inside, when I saw Niall walking towards us at an extremely fast pace. IT’S NIALL!!

“OH MY GOD NIALL YOU’RE... Niall... are you okay? What are you doing?” Niall didn’t stop walking, the closer he got the more I saw the anger in his eyes, and his clenched fists were pale white. Harry followed him out of the car, hopefully he will be able to tell me what’s wrong. Next thing I knew Niall reeled his arm back and punched Greg straight in the nose. “NIALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I screamed.

“WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME?” He screamed back, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, did Niall just scream at me? My cute adorable Niall isn’t cute and adorable anymore. He’s terrifying.

“I DO LOVE YOU, HE’S-“ I pleaded, he didn’t understand who Greg was, he must have seen me kiss him. Niall cut me off before I could tell him.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME? SPEND A MONTH WITH ME AND TELL ME YOU LOVE ME AND THROW IT ALL AWAY?” He screamed at me, his eyes so angry and his face so red and fierce. It terrified me.

“Let her explain.” Harry urged.  I really hoped he would.

“What the hell did you do that for man?” Greg asked hauling himself up with a blood nose.

“YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BASTARD!” Niall screamed at him, his nostrils flaring and he almost started spiting with each word he was so angry, his arms were flying around everywhere.

“Nice to meet you I’m-“ Greg tried to introduce himself but Niall didn’t give him the chance

“DON’T EVEN TOUCH ME.” Niall punched him again square in the nose, I could tell I was going to cry but I was trying not to.

“IF YOU DON’T LOVE ME THEN WHY NOT END IT? WHY EVEN SAY YES IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Niall started crying, I couldn’t bare seeing him like this, he didn’t understand, I could feel the tears streaming down my face, I truly love him.

 “I do love you Niall.”

“No you don’t you love him.” Niall said storming away pulling Harry with him, poor Harry was crying too, he didn’t need to see this “It’s over, Meg, I hope you’re happy.”

My whole world stopped. It’s over. I have no reason to live anymore. My love is gone. He doesn’t love me. He won’t ever listen to me. Killing myself seemed like an easy thing to do, I mean, no one really loves me. Not even mum, she’s too in love with her new boyfriend to care. Greg didn’t stay either, he bailed when Niall hit him the second time. I just sat on my front porch and put my head between my knees, bawling my eyes out.

Ring Ring.

It was Britt.

“Hi.” I said sniffling.

“what happened?” I broke down crying.

“Greg came over and I gave him a hug and a kiss and Niall saw and he thought I was cheating and he dumped me.” I couldn’t handle saying it out loud I started crying so loudly. I just hung up on her and ran into the house slamming the door behind me. Thinking of the best way to take myself from this world.

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