10. Unbelievable

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Chapter Ten: Unbelievable!

Meg's P.O.V

Did he just really ask me to be his girlfriend? The Niall Horan, wants me to be his girlfriend? Do I want to put up with all the screaming girls? Maybe even death threats? Of course I would love to go out with Niall he's amazing, and sweet and caring. Who wouldn't?

"Yes, of course I want to be your girlfriend Niall!"

He smiled the biggest, cutest smile and kissed me again.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow? He asked.


"Snow it is! It's only 11, do you want to watch another movie or go to bed?"

"What other movies?"

"We have... New Moon and.... Twilight..."

"I'm thinking bed!"

"Good idea!" he said kissing me on the forehead, he walked me over to my bedroom and was about to leave but, I didn't want him to...

"Could you stay here with me? Second wish?"

"You don't have to wish for that. I was just turning your light off" he winked.

Then he climbed into bed with me and we snuggled up. "I hope you had a good birthday"

"Best birthday ever." Then I fell asleep in his arms, snug and warm.

The next morning I woke up and he was looking at me smiling.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning!" I said jumping out of bed and grabbing the closest shirt to put on.

"You're not going all shy on me are you babe?"

"No, I can hear the cleaning lady."

"Oh!" he said jumping out of bed after me. He walked over to me planted a kiss on my forehead then walked out and into the kitchen. I got up and brushed my hair out and put it into a bun before walking out into the kitchen.

"Hey beautiful, do you like pancakes?"


"Strawberries, maple syrup and icecream?"

"Best boyfriend ever!"

"I love that you called me your boyfriend"

"You are"

"Haha yes I am" he said smiling and grabbed me by the waist and kissed me again. I really could get used to this whole special treatment I'm getting. When the pancakes arrived we inhaled them! They tasted so good and the strawberries were amazing! After breakfast we had showers and got dressed into warm clothes for the snow.

"So do you want to ski or just play with the snow?"

"SKI!" I yelled excitedly

"Okay calm down we can go skiing" he winked.

We spent the day skiing down the mountain, it was loads of fun and I got it almost straight away. He seemed to be pro at it, he must have done it lots as a child. Later on when I got down the hill before he did, I started making a snow ball, and when he got down the hill I threw it at him and hid behind a tree.

I looked around the tree to see if he was alright and there he was, and it made me jump out of my skin, he laughed and kissed me and took a few steps back, took the snow ball from behind him and threw it at me! I saw it coming and ducked behind the tree but it still got my arm.

"we're even steven now Meg!" he said walking back over to me smiling. "What do you say about making a snow man?"

"you're my snow man" I said and tackled him to the ground and we locked lips again, it was a warm relief to the freezing cold snow and the fireworks were shooting in every direction.

When we arrived home after a long tiring day skiing he picked me up by the waist and sat me on the counter.

"What's do you want for dinner?" he asked.

"Yiros!" I love yiros.


"Nothing is better!"

"Well at least we can easily say we won't argue about what food we're gonna eat hey babe."

"Nope!" I said laughing.

"So I was thinking, what do you do as a job Meg?"

"I am trying to model, but no one really wants to hire me..." I said embarrassed.

"I could get you some jobs if you wanted, who wouldn't want to hire you? You're the most beautiful girl in the world?"

"could you really do that?"

"Of course everyone would want to hire you!"

"Best boyfriend ever!"

"Best boyfriends get kisses?" he said winking

"Come here then!" he walked over, and pulled me off the counter so that I had my legs wrapped around him, I put my arms around his neck and he had his arms wrapped around my waist and he leaned in and kissed me, slowly and gentle at first and working up faster. Until the waiter person came in with the Yiros and we stopped to eat.

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