29. The rope.

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Chapter Twenty-nine: The Rope.

Niall’s P.O.V.

Harry booked us into a random hotel in Adelaide, and I just walked up to the room and locked myself in the bathroom. I sat in the bath and started running it with cold water so Harry didn’t have to listen to me cry. My clothes were getting soaked but I didn’t care anymore. I could Harry saying something outside but he wasn’t talking to me, so it didn’t matter. I’m all alone in this world now.

I couldn’t help but think about all the fun times we’ve had together and how much fun we had and all our experiences. She’s so funny, and nice, and free. I didn’t think she would do something like this.

“Knock knock.” Harry said before letting himself in. He just sat himself down next to the bath and sat there in silence.

“Why would she do this to me?” I asked.

“Niall…” He asked, looking sympathetic.

“What?”  I wiped the tears from my face with my already wet hand. Which didn’t make any difference what so ever.

“I just got off the phone to Britt.”

“I don’t want to hear about you and your perfect girlfriend at the moment Harry.” I was so frustrated, why would he talk to me about his phone call with his perfect girlfriend?

“She said that Meg was bawling her eyes out when she called her.” He said sternly, like that was going to make me forgive her, no matter how bad her crying makes me feel. Just thinking about her crying makes me tear up. I can’t handle talking about her right now.

“I can’t talk about her right now.” I said trying to hold back my tears, I didn’t want him to see my cry again.

“Britt said she said that the guy was Meg’s cousin, Greg.” I couldn’t handle this, did I just yell and scream at Meg for something she didn’t even do? She was just being a good cousin. I can’t believe I yelled at her like that, she must have been so sad. I just started bawling my eyes out then and there. It was my fault she was crying, it’s my fault we’re not together right now, cuddling watching a movie. It’s my fault she might never want to talk to me again. She still loves me, but who would want to be with me after that episode.

I got out of the bath and sat on the floor next to Harry curled up into a little ball, crying.

“It’s okay man, you guys will work things out.”

“Why – would – she – want – to – be – with – me – no-o-o-ww” Hysteria started setting in, you know when you’re crying so hard you can barely breath or talk.

“She loves you.”

“Why – would – she – love – me?”

“Because you’re the best boyfriend she’s ever had.”

“What – am I going to do?” I started gathering myself together, taking my shirt off and blowing my nose with it. There’s no girl to get grossed out by that now.

“You’re going to win her back.”

Meg’s P.O.V

I haven’t been eating lately, eating just reminds me of Niall too much, and whenever I do eat, I just throw it all back up again because I’m that hysterical.  I’ve been looking for ways to rid me from this world. But I couldn’t so I just went outside and grabbed a rope and a hook and screwed the hook into the roof. I googled the knot and did it after about ten tries. I decided to leave a note, for whoever finds me, if they do.

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