21. Amber

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Chapter Twenty-one: Amber

You can’t really park near rundle mall so I drove to a tram station and we trammed it into the city! There’s a stop that stops right out front too. One thing we didn’t take into consideration was the swarming girls on the tram. I swear there are fans everywhere.  Some girl even had her sharpies with her. So we borrowed them, signing everyone’s things, by the end of it we even had parents asking for autographs for their daughters.  When things calmed down I asked a girl “Why would you want my autograph?”

“Because you’re Niall’s girlfriend, you’re all over magazines! You’re so pretty too! Like the cutest couple.”

“Oh, okay thank you.”

I decided to check my facebook while we were waiting to arrive. Occasionally smiling for the girls photo’s, I don’t think they really wanted me in them, but Niall insisted.

“We don’t want her in our pictures!” someone further back said.

“Well, she makes me happy and I love her, so if you respect me and want me to be happy you will respect her too.” He replied kissing me on the cheek. I had like 20,000 friend requests, and thousands of messages and notifications. Something tells me I’ll never be able to get through all of these.  So I decided to check my tumblr instead. Oh crap. I went from just a few hundred followers to 50,000! And I have a couple of thousand messages too. People are obviously sending it out, I checked my messages;

-          Say hi to Niall for me!

-          You’re so lucky to be with Niall! You guys are so cute! Say hi to him for me? And possibly follow back?

-          You better treat him right or you will suffer – anon.

-          Say hi to Niall for me! You guys are adorable.

-          I love your blog, and Niall! Say hi?

They were all the same, about 1 in 5 being hate. Niall looked over and asked to see it.

“Awhh, it’s okay baby, they’re just jealous of how beautiful you are, don’t worry about it.”

We arrived at town and everyone got off, and we walked past Haighs and some Telstra shop and good old McDonalds and heaps of other shops, until we reached the malls balls. We were literally being followed by hundreds of girls, they just seemed to materialise from nowhere. Their screaming and yelling was driving me insane, imagine if Harry and Britt came with us, I think they would be worse than this.

“Oh, so these are the malls balls.”


“Hey I can see myself in it!”

“That you can, good job!” I said sarcastically.

“So you can’t eat it?”

“No!” everyone said at the same time. Why are they still here? They got their photos and signatures! Oh and look, there’s channel 7 turning up. Niall turned to me and texted someone something. I sure as hell hope he wasn’t texting Harry telling him to come. Channel 7 worked their way up to us and started to interview us. Their crew telling everyone to back up a little. Thank God, breathing space, I guess this is really starting to show I’m not a people person.

“So, Niall, you and Meg are official right?”

“Yep!” he said putting his arm around me.

“She was the girl who won that competition isn’t she?”

“Yes she was.”

“How many days are left?”


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