24. Gum trees

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Chapter Twenty-four: Gum tree’s

We finally arrived, at not a restaurant, but a park, where the boys had set up candles everywhere, anywhere there was a flat surface there were candles. In the middle of it all there was a table they had obviously put there with a red table cloth and a rose and some flowers on it. The seats we obviously put there too, they were black with red cushions. On each plate there is, you wouldn’t guess it, Nandos. But the boys did but a lot of thought into this and it really does look beautiful.

There’s big gum tree’s with creeping vines crawling up the trunk. There’s music coming from somewhere... and it’s just a big garden, with a few trees and us four. It’s so silent, and fan free. We walked up to the table and sat down and right before the boys sat down, they high fived each other, over the table.

“Very fancy” I said sarcastically.

“This is just dinner!” Niall replied with a massive hunk of chicken already on the end of his fork.

“Oooh where we going?” Britt said with a mouthful.

“It’s a secret!” Harry answered. I wonder who helped these guys with all this... It’s very well thought out, and I think it’s the cutest thing ever. But I wonder what were going to do later, that involves Britt and I dressing up. Once we had finished dinner, no other than Paul, their baby sitter got out of the front of the limo, he must have been in the passenger seat and we didn’t notice, and came over with a tray of muffins.

“Cooked them myself.” He winked, and put them down and sat on the chair I didn’t notice before, probably because it was in between Niall and Harry on the other side of the table. I grabbed a cupcake and realised it was my favourite! Raspberry and white chocolate mmmm!

“It’s my favourite!” I said happily.

“I know.” Niall smiled at me, and his smile was so cute, apparently other people didn’t see it much because he hates it but he smiles at me like all the time.

“Are you stalking me?” I joked.

“Remember when we were talking about food? And you were like out of no where ‘Did you know I REALLY like raspberry and white chocolate cupcakes?’”


“Well they’re my favourite too.” Britt said stuffing her face with a second.

“We know that’s why we got those ones silly.” Harry laughed wiping the crumbs off the side of her mouth with his thumb.

“Well don’t I feel like the fifth Wheel?” Paul said getting up with his cupcake. “Anyway guys if you want to get to your – “

“Shut up Paul we want it to be a surprise!” Niall interrupted.

“We better get going...”

“Thank you!” Harry laughed, and grabbed Britt’s hand walking off to the limo.

“Who’s going to clean this up?” I asked, confused.

“Me.” Paul said begrudgingly.

“Thank you so much.” I said kissing him on the cheek, then Niall, being Niall got jealous and while I walked away he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into a kiss, he was very forceful, but still nice, I guess he was trying to prove a point to Paul, but I know I only want Niall plus, Paul is... old, so I threw myself into the kiss, hoping he would get the picture, and he did, slowly tracing his hand down my dress, to the hem and lifting it up a little to touch my skin.

“Come on guys!” Harry pressured. “We don’t want to be later then we already are!” Niall let go but put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close.

“So where are we going?” I asked getting into the car.

“...A party...” Harry said... he wasn’t all that convincing.

We arrived at a house in some street in Adelaide not far away from the park, Niall and Harry got out of the car, gesturing us to follow, we weren’t sure of where we are, but they seemed to trust it. We slowly walked up the stone pathway, two by two, Harry and Britt, followed by Niall and me up to the door.

Ding Dong.

And at the door, is no other, than Louis Tomlinson.

“Hey love birds! Come in!”

“Hey Lou!” Harry yelled literally jumping into Lou’s arms I swear they almost kissed. Britt followed, and hugged Lou too.

“Any girlfriend of Hazza here is a friend of mine!” He next hugged Niall, I guess these guys really missed eachother. Then he hugged me.

“So you’re the beautiful girl he’s been talking about non stop. Not bad. Hey Meg, would you like to meet... Kevin?”

“Who’s Kevin?”

“Just wait.” Niall said while Louis went into the room next to him and brought out a fake pigeon.

“This, is Kevin.” He said pulling the funniest grin ever. I couldn’t help but giggle, he is truly a funny guy.

“Hey Kevin, what’s cooking?”

“You, you’re smoking!” Lou said flinching from Niall’s potential throw of a punch. I just laughed at him. I followed Lou and Niall out, holding Niall’s hand, into a room with the whole One direction gang! Zayn and Liam were there too with their girls and Louis’ was with them! I introduced myself to who turned out to be Ellen, Jacinta and Amy! They were all so beautiful and amazing people, Ellen had shorter hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a stunning purple dress that made her legs look like they were five miles long, she won the month with Louis and apparently they spent the whole month doing funny things around Adelaide, they also saw Niall and I on the news.

Jacinta had longer brown hair with bluish greenish eyes and wore a black and blue dress that made her eyes glow and she was absolutely gorgeous. She spent the month with Liam and they apparently travelled the world, going to London, Paris, America and loads of other places in between and came back here for the party, this was her house and it was really nice too.

Amy was shorter and she had dark brown hair and brown eyes and she wore an amazing light pink dress that frilled out and made her look taller. Amy was of course with Zayn and apparently they went to loads of parties and she also spent a lot of time on twitcams and just being stupid with him, they had gotten pretty close. I think all the girls will stay in touch.

While Britt and I were socialising with other girls the boys were catching up with each other and just being boys. Later on we all sat on the couches which the boys arranged in a circle, Niall and I cuddling on one, with Zayn and Liam on the edges. Britt and Harry cuddling on another with Amy next to Zayn on one side and Louis on the other. Followed by Jacinta next to Liam and Ellen and Louis on the couch part together. Harry, Niall, Britt and I were called the love birds.

The group talked for a while about what happened on the news and we also talked about what we actually did and it was a whole lot of fun. Later on the boys set up the couches all to be facing one way and they performed “What makes you beautiful” to us girls. We all got up dancing with the guys and the night was absolutely amazing! At about 3 am when we were all getting tired and decided to go home.

Niall, Harry Britt and I said goodbye to everyone and got everyone’s numbers so we could stay in touch and got into the limo and went home. In the limo, I was so tired I just cuddled up to Niall and drifted off to sleep. 

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