First day in Heaven

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Chapter Seven: First day in Heaven

Megans P.O.V

I woke up to a loud bang in the kitchen and shot up out of bed scared someone had broken in. But then I realised that I was on some Island, alone, with Niall Horan... well not completely alone we have all the cleaners and cooks all to ourselves. So I quickly jumped into the shower and rinsed off and washed my hair. Brushed my teeth because I swear I could smell my own horrible breath. Put on a pink flowy dress because it looks nice outside, put my hair into a messy pony tail and walked out into the kitchen to see what on earth he was doing.

“Oi Niall, what are you doing?!”

And then I saw Niall had already ordered bacon and eggs for the both of us and was setting it out on the table.

“Sorry about the noise babe, I tripped but it’s okay! I saved the Bacon!”

“Oh not the bacon!” I joked and sat down.

“I gave you the extra crispy piece....” Niall said and blushed, is that like some major sign of affection from Niall? It has to be, no one just gives away the crispy piece of bacon.

“Thank you Niall” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and he sat down next to me on the head of the table and blushed. This guy could not get any cuter, the girl he would marry would be the luckiest girl in the world.

“So Niall! What are we doing today?” I asked, I hoped we were going to the beach, the surf looked amazing!

“Whatever you want!”

“Do you know how to surf Niall?”

“No I don’t but I’m willing to learn... do you? Because if you don’t we could get someone to teach us.”

“Yeah I can, I can teach you too, okay that’s what we’re doing today!”

“Woo! I’ll get into my swimming gear then!”

“In Australia we call them boardies.”

“I will get changed into my .... boardies then....?”

“Haha yes! And I’ll get into my bikini!”

I brought two bikini’s a white one and a red one.... Which one would Niall like best? The red one is strapless so it would probably fall off when I dive in... White one it is! I got dressed into my white bikini and brushed my hair out then put it back up again, and grabbed my towel and walked out into the lounge where Niall was waiting in his light blue boardies eating a mango.

“Oh I love Mangoes! Yoink!” I said while grabbing the mango from Niall’s hand and eating some.

“Oh no you don’t!” he yelled after me after I ran off and his big arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a hug and then the turned me around and held me in his arms, looking me in the eye, with those beautiful blue eyes of his, we were close enough to kiss. If only he would lean in and kiss me.

Niall’s P.O.V.

“Oh no you don’t!” I yelled after Meg and ran off after he and wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her, she kicked and screamed trying to get out of my hold, but I could tell she was just having fun, so I turned her around and looked her in the eyes, they were so beautiful, if only I had the guts to kiss her, but she wouldn’t want me to.

Later after we finished eating the mango we went outside and held hands walking down to the beach, where I had already called the assistant for two surf boards were standing on their tips. One had pink strips and splotches and the other blue.

“Race you for the blue one!” Meg yelled sprinting off towards the blue one, and I sprinted off behind her, she was very fit and fast, there was no way I could beat her, but it was worth a try.

“Hah! I win!” she yelled and did the cutest victory dance I had ever seen.

For the rest of the day she taught me how to surf, first teaching me how to stand up, which is easy when you’re just doing it on the sand, on the waves however, when you’re moving and the board is unstable is the complete opposite. All the paddling is killing my shoulders! But I didn’t complain because Meg wasn’t and she’s the girl here.

When the sun started to go down we walked up and down the beach watching it go down until the sky was pink and the silence was broken by my stomach growling! I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and I was starving! How embarrassing. Meg just laughed and we walked back up to the room and ordered something called a surfers meal which seemed to match what we did all day and we both jumped into our showers to wash off all the sand and salt from the day.

When I got out I dried off my hair and put on shorts and a t-shirt and started getting the table ready for dinner because the food had arrived when we were in the shower. I swear I had never eaten so much in my life! I have also never seen Meg eat so much either! After dinner we sat down and cuddled up to watch Titanic, and about at the part where everyone started dying Meg fell asleep in my arms. She is so cute when she’s asleep.

I picked her up trying not to wake her and put her into bed and tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek goodnight, and then plunked myself into bed fully dressed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Thirty Days in Heaven - Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now