12. Boardies

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Chapter Twelve: Boardies!

Sitting in the plane waiting for it to start up, we talked about all the fun times that we had on the island. My birthday being the most memorable, followed by cliff jumping.


"what are we doing? Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Have faith! It's just a little bit of an adventure."

Walking through the trees and flowers, holding hands, laughing at each other being silly. some girls laugh at their boyfriend's jokes because they're being nice, or because they want their boyfriends to stay with them because the girl think they're funny, I mean, how many times have you heard guys say "I like it when girls laugh at my jokes" It's a pride thing for them, if the girl thinks they're funny and they laugh at their jokes then they're suddenly more attractive. But with Niall it's different, everything he says is funny and cute and I truly think that, none of the fake laugh stuff other girls do.

"We're there!" he said smiling. The view was amazing, the sun was reflecting on the deep blue ocean, which had a perfect wave, moving in and breaking on the reef about 100 metres from the bottom of the cliff. That's when I realised.

Oh. My. God. We're on a cliff!


"Just don't look down and jump with me!" he said, but I could tell he was freaking out inside just as much as I was. I dropped on my knees and literally crawled to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see the water was only about 20metres, at the bottom the water was crystal blue as still as Niall on the couch with a gob stopper - actually seen that once, he did not move for like 4 hours. It was raining outside so we just sat inside. - I crawled back to Niall and stood up next to him.

He grabbed my hand, and said "On the count of three?"



"Two and a half..."

"Men, men, men men menny men men men"

"Not funny!"

"I thought I was being quite humorous" he joked in a British accent. "One..."


"Three!" he yelled and took off, pulling me with him and before we knew it we were mid air falling, the wind in my ears was so loud, and it felt like I was flying, all I could think is, how can birds not go insane with the constant wind in their ears. But on the other hand, those Magpies are Goddamn vicious!

My feet hit the water followed by the rest of me, The last thing I heard was Niall screaming, I can see who wears the pants in this relationship! When I swam up to the surface I saw Nialls boardies, and then Niall surface, which kind of makes my last thought ironic, because he was no longer wearing pants. I quickly swam over to the boardies and grabbed them.

Being a surfer I am naturally a good swimmer and swam off before he could stop me, when I got to shore, he wasn't far behind me and he walked out of the water, Naked. I can't say I was surprised but. Why doesn't he wear underwear under his boardies like every guy I know. Just kidding I wasn't actually thinking that. Um WOW.

"You wanna know what I was thinking while we were falling babe?" I asked him.

"You really want to talk about this while I'm naked?"

"The longer the better, yes." I laughed.

"I was thinking about how birds don't get annoyed by the sound of the wind, and then I realised Magpies are pretty wacky!"

"You don't say."

"Okay! Imagine a 60 year old guy walking down your street with a loaf of bread and his news paper, and then casually being attacked by a Magpie."

"How can you casually be attacked by a Magpie?"

"Do you want your boardies back or not?"


"and the 60 year old man on his hands and knees swatting at the bird with his bread and his newspaper..... it was so funny because it was my grandpa! And now in swooping season he wears a ice cream container on his head!"

"Oh wow.... can't wait to meet that guy!"

"You really want to meet him?"

"Of course baby! Now can I please have my boardies back?"

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