18. Stole my heart

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Chapter Eighteen: Stole my Heart

Britt walked away from me, out towards the kitchen, no one walks away from Harry. Challenge accepted. The challenge being; get with the beautiful friend of Niall’s Meg. I followed her out to walk in on Meg and Niall making out in the kitchen.

“Get a room!” Britt shouted at them. I guess she doesn’t like him kissing her best friend or something? Does she know how much he loves her and that he would never hurt her? Meg is like the luckiest girl in the world. No girl in the world would be treated more like a princess than Niall’s girlfriend.

“We had one until you two waltzed in.” Meg returned the gesture.

“Are you two bored of each other already?” Niall asked, laughing. His arms still around Meg.  

“Hardly.  I was just thinking about taking Britt for a little walk, the suns about to go down and I want to get to know the area a little better. Wanna come Britt?”

“Do I have a choice?”


I wrapped my arm around Britt’s shoulder and walked her out of the house. The weather was actually really nice outside, about 27 and there was not a cloud in the sky. She led me towards a little park with swings and a play ground. I walked her over to the swings and she sat down in the big swing and left me with the one for little kids. So I attempted squishing my ass in the swing, and failed. So I just pushed her on the swing, singing to her.

Britt’s P.O.V

Harry is swinging me on the swing, and I’m starting to get scared I might come back to fast and I will push him over. When he randomly starts singing...

“The light shines, It's getting hot on my shoulder. I don't mind, This time it doesn't matter. Cause your friends, They look good, but you look better.”

“Uhh... Harry... Why are you singing?”

“Don't you know all night I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round?” Harry grabbed me by the hand and pulled me off the swing. Spinning me around by my hand and pulled me in his right hand on my waist and his left hand holding my right. My left hand looking like it’s not even connected to me by my side. So he lets go and puts it on his left shoulder.

“Under the lights tonight, You turned around, and you stole my heart. With just one look, when I saw your face, I fell in love. It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah I waited for a girl like you”

We circled around and around, the sun is starting to go down, and it looks so beautiful, on the horizon theres a hill, with one tree, and behind that tree is the sun coming out from behind it in all shades of whites, yellows, pinks, purples and blues. Twirling me again and sings some more.

“I'm weaker, My words fall and they hit the ground, Oh life, come on head, don't you fail me now? I start to say, "I think I love you", but I make no sound. You know 'cause all my life, I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around... Under the lights tonight, You turned around, and you stole my heart, With just one look, when I saw your face, I fell in love, It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah, I waited for a girl like you.”

Letting go of my waist and intertwining his fingers with mine, he pulled me along to the stairs of the play ground. Walking up them facing me singing.

“There is no other place that I would rather be, Than right here with you tonight.”

When we reached the top he lay down dragging me down with him and his right arm under his neck and his left around my shoulders pulling me inwards.

“As we lay on the ground I put my arms around you, And we can stay here tonight

Cause there's so much that I wanna say, I wanna say. Under the lights tonight

You turned around, and you stole my heart, With just one look, when I saw your face

I fell in love, It took a minute girl to steal my heart.”

He stood us both up, and walked us over to the slide and slid down it guesturing me to follow, so I did. Pulling me up close to him, inches away from his face with his hands around my waist singing.

“Under the lights tonight, You turned around, and you stole my heart, With just one look, when I saw your face,  I fell in love, It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight, With just one look, yeah, Been waitin' for a girl like you, Been waitin' for a girl like you.”

He leaned in, his big hazel eyes looking into mine, and brought his lips to mine, pulling me closer, the kiss was magical, and I couldn’t get enough, putting my arms around his neck pulling him yet closer still.

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