15. Definition of Beautiful

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Chapter Fifteen: Definition of Beautiful

Niall walked into his room and got out a box, and gave it to me. It was about the size of both of my hands and I opened it, to find the most beautiful, dazzling diamond hair clip. It was about 2-3 inches long with little flowers made out of diamonds. Looked like this;


I haven’t seen anything so beautiful in my life.

“Why are you crying?”

“It’s so beautiful! I can’t believe you would – you didn’t have to – I love – it – you....”

“You’re so adorable when you babble.”

“You’re just adorable in general!”

He leaned in a kissed me on the cheek, and wiped my tears with his thumbs, they were so warm, and the feeling of his skin touching mine gave me the tingles. He leaned in, his warm lips touching my forehead, pulling me in for a tight hug.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Now go get dressed beautiful, I have a big big big day ahead”

“And may the odds be ever in your favour!”

So we might have watched The Hunger Games while on the island, and we have been quoting it ever since.

I walked over to the bathroom, carrying my bag and clip with me and taking out the black dress I bought and putting it next to a nice pair of heels, my only pair, that are black and have an open toe, with laces. I hung the dress on the back of the door and styled my hair so it sat perfectly to put my clip in. I waterfall braided my hair back on both sides and clipped it in with the clip Niall gave me.

I did my make-up and, couldn’t help but think about what we might be doing, but I guess we’re going to have to wait and see. I slipped on my dress, which felt and looked amazing, I hope Niall likes it... Excitement was starting to take over so I shoved on my heels and did the laces, balancing on my toes trying, not to fall over. I opened the door and walked out into the bedroom where Niall was sitting on the bed with his guitar, well, a guitar, I don’t remember him packing it, but yeah.


“Too much?”

“You’re... beautiful! Spin?” I span around, making my dress flow outwards, rippling up and down like a lake after a pebble has been dropped. My hair flowing outwards, caressing the side of my face, getting caught into my eyelashes and stuck in my lip gloss. Taking my hair out of my mouth smiling at him, he said “Words can’t describe how beautiful you are.”

He started strumming his guitar, his left hand holding down the cords making his fingers red and white, and his right hand, holding a pick strumming up and down, the sound echoing through the hole, making the most beautiful sound.

“You know, I’ve been practicing this song, when it’s done, wanna hear it?”

“Of course!”

“Let’s go!”

Arriving at the tower, the sun was going down, and the lights were about to turn on, and the sound of French jibber jabber filled the air, the smell of fresh bread and Niall’s new cologne stuff which smells amazing, it’s hard to explain, but the smell, made him 10 times more attractive.

Niall was already out of the limo, holding out one hand to help me, getting out of the limo, girls were already crowding around.

“Tweet Tweet?”

“No Tweetie this time beautiful”

“How did they know?”

“Girls are everywhere!” he joked, but we both know he was being serious. We walked over to infront of the Eiffel tower, and Niall asked one of his fans to take a photo for us on his phone, it was kind of weird having all these people watching, but he smelled so good and I really wanted that photo.

Niall put his hands around my waist and the firmness of his hands on my back and the feeling of the warmth made me forget about all the other people, it was just me and my Niall. I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, until his lips met mine, warm, and perfect. Until we heard the snap of the picture and pulled away, all the girls were either giggling or death glaring; suddenly I wish the school girl giggling was more common, some of these girls are scary!

When Niall got his phone back the girl had somehow managed to put her number in there, who does she think she is? He’s mine!

“Haha! He’s mine sweetie!”

Niall laughed at me, intertwining his fingers with mine leading me up to the top of the tower. Where we watched the sun go down, listening to the birds chirping and the jibber jabber of the people watching us from below.

“You know I love you right?”

“And I love you, you know that right?”

“Of course, and I never want to be without you... but I’m going on tour and I’ll have to be, it will be hell, but I’ll have the boys, who do you have?”

“I can talk to my mum I’ve missed her, so much.”

“I’ll have my music”

“I have my surfing”

“We can skype all the time, I will miss the sound of your voice and your beautiful face.”



Niall leaned in and kissed me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the restaurant downstairs. We sat down at a beautiful table, with a red tablecloth and white napkins, with a red rose in the middle next to a candle. Niall looked so handsome in his little suit with a white shirt.

“Would you like to order?” Thank GOD! He knows English.

“Just drinks, your best beer and your best....?”


“You don’t drink?”

“Mum was an alcoholic, and she said that they never had any fun sober, I can easily say I have had plenty of fun sober”

“okay, scratch that two of your finest lemonades!” he joked.

Looking at the menu, there was like nothing I understood or knew what it tasted like, there was lots of caviar, duck, rabbit all these weird, weird names, so I played it safe and ordered the chicken, or should I say... Roasted Farm Raised Chicken, Verjus (What on earth is that?) and fine herbs. While Niall ordered something called the... Roasted rack of Lamb, Tomato Tart and Tarragon Jus.

Niall and I talked a lot about Harry and his little... perks, like how he hit on every second shop assistant, or how he made me try on little dresses. But also how he is so sweet and caring, and funny. Like how when one of the ladies hurt her back carrying a box, he went to try and help, picked up the box, then tripped over, straight into the change rooms.

“There’s no one in there to perve on sweetie!” I said literally on the floor laughing.

“Yeah, but I am pretty darn sexy” he walked out with his hands on his hips smiling. If only he knew how ridiculous he looked with a bra on. As pretty as it was, he just couldn’t pull it off.

Later we talked about how his hair isn’t actually blonde and how I am making him not dye it so I can see it all natural!

It turns our Verjus is like, a sauce, and Niall googled it and it’s actually translated to “Green sauce” from some sort of squashed grape. Very nice either way! Niall said he wanted to keep his dishes weird names a secret!

After an amazing day with my gorgeous Niall it was time to go home, so we jumped into the limo. When we arrived back at our room, there were rose petals all over the floor and over our bed.

“Bit cliché?”

“Bit Niall” he corrected. He said lifting me up onto the counter, with his hand sliding its way up my legs, saying “You sure you want to do this?”

“Yes.” And the rest they say is history.

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