4. The Fans

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Chapter Four: The Fans

Megan’s P.O.V

Niall seemed to be a little upset, but I could understand why, Amber’s story was pretty sad, so I started to talk about my family.

“My mum was pretty sad for me to leave, we’re pretty close, but I think she’s happy I get a bit of time off from the family, I know I’m going to miss her I bet you could understand with your family all the way in Ireland. I hope you visit them a lot, I mean, if I was famous I would try as much as I could, but each to their own.” Once I finished blabbering on I realised Niall was smiling at me, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how cute it is. “What’s so funny?” I laughed.

“You are, you’re so cute...” he blushed and started looking away this guy keeps on getting and cuter!

“you’re the cute one Niall, the way you signed that girls t-shirt was really sweet.” I smiled at him then said “I hate to point out the elephant in the room, but we’re here! I really don’t understand that saying... “We’re here”, like, I could say that in the middle of the highway and we would still be “here” it’s so silly, why not we’re there? That makes more sense okay Niall we’re there!.... Shit I ramble...”

Niall just burst out laughing, I must look like such an idiot now, I'm so stupid.

When the Limo stopped I looked outside to see about 100 screaming girls with signs and I must say it was terrifying, what if the girls all starting spitting at me or yelling rude things at me? Niall got out of the Limo and his guards kept the girls contained while Niall held the door open and put his hand out like a gentleman and all the girls went “Awwhh!” and then they saw me and went silent.... What were they thinking? When they started whispering I started shaking, I know how mean girls can be,  I hope they aren’t planning on egging me or anything.

Then out of nowhere Niall was there holding my hand and whispering to me that it was all going to be okay and not to worry, I guess it came across that I was scared,  he was so sweet, and the next thing I knew the girls were screaming again, and when we walked past they asked for his autograph and some for mine as well. Then got onto the plane and sat down, and Niall was still holding my hand. It was so warm and firm and comforting.

“Some of your fans are quite.... Individual....” I said, trying to find the best word to fit what I was thinking, which was more like, creepy, obsessed, loud... but that word fitted well.

“Haha I know, but I love them all, I wouldn’t be here without them. Well I would but I wouldn’t have met you.” He smiled at me, and I smiled back I can tell this is going to be the best month of my life.

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