23. White dresses

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Chapter Twenty-Three: White Dresses!

When we arrived in town we walked past hundreds of shops, people occasionally recognising me from yesterday in town or us from the twitcam. We walked past this random store which had beautiful dresses. Britt and I tried on heaps of dresses but we decided on both getting white ones.

Mine was a strapless white dress with lace that crossed over at the front and went the whole length of the dress down to my knees. I also got some white heels that had straps all over them and a zip at the back with three buckles for decoration. Britt got a nice white, almost puffy dress, white a black and white pattern at the top with flowers. Then a rim of black with grey lace and another black rim and a black and white flower thing on it, then the bottom had a light grey lace over the top. Britt also got some black shoes with what looks like satin on them with a bow.

I also stopped at a jewellery place to buy Britt a necklace, she always looks pretty in them, I prefer hair accessories because I actually like my hair. Work your strongest point I say. Britt has massively long legs and the dress and her heels really make them look amazing. When we got home the boys were in the kitchen putting away the food, and there was a lot of it. There were lots of chips and lollies but there was also lots of fruit and veg and meat too, so I guess they did what they were told, who am I to tell them what to do with their money? I handed Niall back his card, and he gave it back instantly.

“It’s yours?”

“No you lent it to me.”

“Gave it to you. No girlfriend of mine has to do a day of work if she has dreams she wants to pursue, like your modelling! About that I have someone who wants to use your image, a certain… Roxy representative said they would love your look and your celebrity status would give Roxy that extra kick! She also said that she would have wanted you anyway if she had have seen your picture “She’s stunning” she said haha.”

“ROXY?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’ve been wanting to do that for like forever!” I can say, that I might have done a little bit of fangirling. Like, the pathetic running on the spot punching the air, star jumps, running around like an idiot, embarrassing fangirling.

“I’m glad you’re happy!”

“Happy? I’m jumping up and down literally!”

“You weren’t this happy when we got together…”

“I was happier, you didn’t see my fangirling in the shower!!” I said kissing him on the cheek.

“What did you girls get?”

“That’s a surprise!”

“Okay, well, we’re leaving at 6.”

“What’s the time?”


“Shit. Britt!”


“We’re leaving in two hours! Get in the shower woman!” She nodded and ran off into what is now Harry and her bedroom, looks like she finally moved out of her mums house to here. Grabbed her dress and her make up and plunked it on my bed while I started warming up the curling Iron for her hair and started.

“You guys are like clock work!”

“We’ve done this many times before now get out!”

“My suits in here.”

“Grab it and out!”

“Do I get a kiss?” he said frowning. How could I resist that face?

“Yes sweet heart! I love you!” He walked over and grabbed me by the waist pulling me in for a kiss, my arms dangling by my sides like a puppet then I pull them up, and flung them around his neck like a hug, oh how I will miss this boy when he’s away, I almost started crying, 31 full days with Niall and only 4 of them left and he’s gone, on his tour. Which seems like he’ll be forever away. 

Leaning my head on his shoulder and wiping away a tear, I pushed him out the door with his suit in his hand. I could just break down in tears right now. I really love this boy, people say we’re too young to really love someone, but with you’re with that someone, you know. After living with me for almost a month Niall knows all my weird habits, he knows that I eat a massive amount, he has seen the worst of me, like when I got angry at my phone and smashed it into the ground because it wouldn’t send a text, or when I was on my hands and knees at the cliff, he’s seen me after I just wake up or after the beach, and after a shower with my frizzy hair, he’s seen me at my ugliest, and at my meanest, and he’s stuck around. 

I’ve seen Niall when he hasn’t eaten in a while, I’ve seen him and his weird habits, I’ve seen him get upset and homesick, I’ve seen him at Nandos, I’ve seen him when he’s being an idiot with his friends, and I’ve stuck around. We have so much fun together, we laugh and play weird games. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. Love has no age, or gender, if people can go through the hard times and the good times together and still love each other it’s love. The best thing about love is that it’s free, Niall didn’t buy my love, he earned it.

Wiping away my tears with my thumb as Britt walks out of the shower in her rob I get started blow drying her hair and putting moose in it so it actually holds it. She’s doing her make-up and chattering on about how Harry is so sweet and caring and that he’s going to call her every night when they’re on tour and all that kind of stuff. I should just enjoy it while he’s here, I’m going to miss Niall, but we can call every night and stuff and we’ll talk every day, we’ll be fine.

Once I blow dried her hair I started assembling mine so that it was in a nice waterfall braid that went into a bun and assembled the clip while Britt did my make-up, she was always better at make-up and I was better at hair. Perfect match! I quickly curled her hair and with 20 minutes to spare, we were in our dresses looking amazing! We walked out of the bedroom to see the boys standing there in their Tux’s looking amazing, and holding roses.

“You girls look beautiful!” Niall said, coming over to kiss me and hand me the red roses. He’s the cutest guy ever.

“You really do, you’re dress makes your legs look hot!” Harry said handing over his roses.

“Told you!” I laughed, fixing up Niall’s Tie subconsciously. He looked so cute in his tux, his brown hair was really starting to come through, is he trying to grow it out? We spent the next 20 minutes talking about Britt and I’s school formal and how we did the same arrangement for that.

“The limo is waiting!” Niall yelled, and went to grab my waist, and actually grabbing my ass.


“Your waist is usually here, did you know that?”

“Yes I did, I’m wearing heels.”

“you should definitely wear heels more often.” He winked, and we walked out into the limo for our ride to wherever they planned on taking us.

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